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Constantinople The Capital of the Byzantine Empire was The Silk Road What trade route spanned from China to the Middle East? They were a rich merchant.

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Presentation on theme: "Constantinople The Capital of the Byzantine Empire was The Silk Road What trade route spanned from China to the Middle East? They were a rich merchant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constantinople The Capital of the Byzantine Empire was The Silk Road What trade route spanned from China to the Middle East? They were a rich merchant and banking family. They bought and paid for art (art patron) They are becoming worldly and selling indulgences Bell Ringer Why is Martin Luther angry at the Roman Catholic Church? Who were the Medici family and how did they help the Renaissance?

2 Scientific Revolution The inquiring (questioning) spirit of the Renaissance

3 Review The Renaissance started as a result of the increased trade between Europe and the Middle East after the Crusades Wealthy merchants in Italy dominated trade due to the Mediterranean Sea. They became patrons of the arts and sponsored paintings, sculptures and architectural feats. The Renaissance was characterized by Humanism and inquiry.

4 Review The inquiring spirit of the Renaissance gave way to the Reformation. People began to ask questions about the Church. These questions led some to break away and become protestant, or “protesters” of the Church. Martin Luther: angry with the selling of Indulgences, he posted the 95 Theses, translated the Bible and declared Salvation through Faith alone John Calvin: Salvation through Faith and predestination alone. King Henry VIII: Disliked the power of the Church and passed laws to take control. He started the Anglican Church

5 Scientific Revolution Like the Renaissance and Reformation, the Scientific Revolution comes about because of the sense of inquiry. Scientists began asking questions about the world in which they lived, seeking to understand the physical world.

6 Geocentric Model For thousands of years the Greek astronomer Ptolemy’s model of the universe was the accepted model. According to Ptolemy the Earth was the center of the universe, and planets, stars and the sun rotated around it. This also made sense according to the teachings of the Catholic Church

7 Heliocentric Model Nicolaus Copernicus began studying the geocentric model. Through his observations he developed the Heliocentric Model, one in which the Earth rotated around the Sun The Heliocentric model was rejected because it went against both classical theory and the Church’s teachings. But it didn’t end there, several other scientists studied Copernicus’ model: -Brahe collected years of data tracking the movements of space objects -Kepler discovered the planets didn’t move in perfect circles, but rather in ellipses.

8 Galileo Galilei Italian astronomer who used the newest astronomical telescope to view space. With the telescope Galileo was able to see mountains on the moon, sunspots and the moons of Jupiter. When he studied the moons of Jupiter, he noticed they rotated around Jupiter the way Copernicus’ model showed the Earth around the Sun.

9 Heretic! Galileo’s findings were quickly dismissed, and he was threatened with death unless he withdrew his findings. (recant) To save his life Galileo agreed to state that the “earth stood motionless at the center of the universe”, but as he was leaving he said “Nevertheless, it does move”.

10 Isaac Newton According to one story, Newton was sitting in a garden when an apple fell from a tree. He wondered if the force that pulled the apple from the tree also controlled the planets. Over 20 years Newton used mathematics to show that a single force keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun. This invisible force is called gravity.

11 Gravity Newton’s theory of gravity helped prove that the Heliocentric model was accurate. By proving the invisible forces kept planets in their orbits, and not an all mighty God, Newton revolutionized astronomy The theory of gravity was not changed for hundreds of years, when a man named Albert Einstein began his scientific work.

12 Anglican- King Henry VIII Lutheran- Martin Luther Calvinists- John Calvin Who founded each of the following protestant sects: Anglican Lutheran Calvinist? Government ruled by a King or Queen What is a Monarchy? Sahara and in Northern Africa Mesopotamia Bell Ringer What is the name we give the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? What is the largest desert in the world and where is it located?

13 Chemistry Chemistry had long been linked with alchemy, attempts to turn metals into gold. Robert Boyle distinguished individual elements and chemical compounds. He was also able to analyze the effect of temperature and pressure on gases.

14 The Scientific Method Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes worked to figure out the problem of knowledge. “How do we know what we know?” Together they came up with the Scientific Method to pursue knowledge

15 Scientific Method They combination of experimentation, observation and human reasoning can unlock the answers to all knowledge, according the Bacon and Descartes

16 Take home test You have an anything goes take home test. It is due on Monday. You may use your notes or to answer the questions. Do you best, this will count as your test grade.







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