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Final Project By: Vienna Willman. Main Ideas of Culture Blend Culture blend is just what it sounds like. It is when cultures exchange ideas and blend.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Project By: Vienna Willman. Main Ideas of Culture Blend Culture blend is just what it sounds like. It is when cultures exchange ideas and blend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Project By: Vienna Willman

2 Main Ideas of Culture Blend Culture blend is just what it sounds like. It is when cultures exchange ideas and blend together. This has been happening for many years. In the twenty first century it happened much more rapidly due to technology.

3 Main Ideas of Culture Blend Mass Media- 98 % of American households have at least one television. In fact most Americans have more TVs than telephones. And in developing areas of the world 2.5 billion people have access to a television.

4 Main Ideas of Culture Blend Westernizing Influences on Different Cultures- westernization has dominated the world. The English language is one of the most spoken language. It is normally the one spoken at international meetings. And a lot of this is due to Europeans colonizing in the 19 th century in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. But the English language isn’t the only thing westernizing the world. Other things such as clothing, and food.

5 Main Ideas of Culture Blend International Elements of Popular Culture- With the access of television all over the world provides people to be able to see news, sports, and the way people act and what they value in other cultures. Also with the access of music now it is also a way cultures are being blended. Their is very few places in the world where you do not have access to music from different cultures.

6 Main Ideas of Culture Blend Non-western influences- westernization isn’t the only idea for the world to be moving towards either. All over the world we take in other cultures that aren’t westernized. Ideas such as music, religion, art, architecture, ect.

7 Main Ideas of Culture Blend The Arts Become International- Artwork has become easier to view all over the world. With this people are able to observe different styles of work from different places all over the world. Literature has also become a big part of being spread throughout the world. Many authors these days change the language of their original books to be sent to different countries so other people can read them.

8 Main Ideas of Culture Blend Future Challenges and Hopes- Many countries believe that westernization and American ways are taking over the world almost. And fear that the identity of other cultures will be lost. To help prevent this certain countries put restrictions on international TV broadcast. For example in France 40% of it broadcast has to be set aside for French produced programs. And in South Korea only 20% of its TV broadcasting can be from other countries broadcasts. Their some other approaches countries take. Such as reworking American made TV shows into their own. Or strictly not broadcasting them at all.

9 Main Ideas of Culture Blend Global Independence- Nations all over the world have begun to realize that they deeply depend and rely on each other for economic, political, and environmental issues. And are affected to others actions even if far away from each other. For example the response to 9/11 internationally brought everyone together.

10 Why do these ideas matter today? These ideas matter because all of these ideas come together to create culture blend. People have begun to realize how much culture blend is growing so fast. And these ideas are so large because they really do bring people together. And help share similar ideas with each other. And many nations.

11 Terms in Reading Popular Culture- popular culture involves movies, fashion, sports, music, food, and more. It incorporates it all. And with the technology we have today it is easier for popular culture to be shared around the world. Materialism- materialism is placing your possessions with high value. Accommodation- Something that is applied as a convenience.

12 Western Culture Good or Bad? I don’t think westernization is bad at all. I think it is a great thing to have some of the same values as we Americans have. What I think is bad is pushing it on developing nations. I don’t think it is right to push westernization on another nation when they are trying to modernize. If a country happens to pick up the same values as America that is fine. But when you are trying to make them become more western for our own benefit it is wrong. This is because if you push it on them, they will begin to lose their own ways and culture. But if you allow it to happen then it is becoming part of their own culture.

13 Steps Government is Taking to Protect Culture Diversity In France they have taken drastic regulations to protect their language. They want to keep foreign words out of France. and have came up ways to replace some words with new words. Instead of hashtag it is “mot-diese” for them.

14 Steps Government is Taking to Protect Culture Diversity The Chinese also are trying to protect their language. They even made 239 English words be removed from their dictionary. They also scrutinized the name brands of 20,000 western companies. Forcing 2,000 of them to change their names to more Chinese-sounding names.

15 Video Explanation\ In this video they explain globalization. Which means worldwide coming together of countries and nations. They first talk about how globalization is a way to connect with people around the world. And they do that with technology, with the technology we have today we are able to communicate with people faster and easier today. We connect with goods, languages, services, and knowledge by exchanging them all over the world.

16 Citations "It's Modernization, Not Westernization | The Traveling Experientialist."It's Modernization, Not Westernization | The Traveling Experientialist. N.p., 22 Apr. 2011. Web. 08 June 2015. "Cultural Influences on Perception - Boundless Open Textbook."Boundless. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 June 2015. "Language." Globalization101. N.p., 2005. Web. 08 June 2015. "Globalization Easily Explained (explainity® Explainer Video)." YouTube. YouTube, 11 July 2013. Web. 09 June 2015.

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