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General Pre-Deployment Brief

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Presentation on theme: "General Pre-Deployment Brief"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Pre-Deployment Brief
Module One General Pre-Deployment Brief

2 Sides of Deployment Paperwork Transportation Finances Household
Practical Communication Parenting Companionship Adapting Emotional

3 1 2 3 Agenda 10 Keys to Success Practical and Emotional Readiness
Customize by inserting the command logo, ship’s crest or FFSC logo in the placeholder. 3 Helpful Resources

4 Activity: Deployment Ready BINGO

5 Deployment Keys to Success
ID Cards (update DEERS) Power of attorney (Region Legal Service Office) Service member’s full deployment address Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System Beneficiary information (update SGLI) 1 2 3 4 5

6 Deployment Keys to Success
Command Ombudsman Page Two (Emergency Data Form) Spending plan (CFS or FFSC) A will (Region Legal Service Office) Support system (your go-to person or resource) 6 7 8 9 10

7 Deployment Checklists
Single Service members Couples Parents

8 Dual-military couples Legally responsible for
Family Care Plan Single parents Dual-military couples Legally responsible for Elderly Disabled Chronically sick

9 Activity: Communication Plan
Frequency Availability Preferences Discretion Flexibility

10 Emotional Cycle of Deployment
Stage 1 Anticipation of Departure Stage 7 Reintegration and Stabilization Stage 2 Detachment and Withdrawal The Cycle of Deployment Stage 3 Emotional Disorganization Stage 6 Return and Renegotiation Stage 5 Anticipation of Return Stage 4 Recovery and Stabilization

11 Stage 1: Anticipation of Departure
Service member Physically drained Emotionally numb or tired Mentally separating Guilt Family Anger, resentment Denial

12 Stage 2: Detachment and Withdrawal
Service member Ready to get started Guilt for leaving Sad or lonely Excited to perform Worried Family Overwhelmed or tired Hurt, rejection Nervous about responsibilities

13 Stage 3: Emotional Disorganization
Service member Relief followed by guilt Mission-focused Sad or lonely Worried Can get stuck in this stage Family Disorganized and unfocused Overwhelmed Emptiness, loss

14 Activity: Emotional Readiness Action Plan
No “right” or “wrong” Seek assistance Use resources Think positive

15 Deployment Readiness Workshops
Couples and Deployment Children and Deployment Single Service Members Customize with dates, times and locations of upcoming workshops. Date: Time: Location: Date: Time: Location: Date: Time: Location:

16 Financial Planning Workshops
Upcoming workshops: Date: xxxxx Time: xxxxx Location: xxxxx xxxxx Customize with dates, times and locations of upcoming workshops.

17 Thank You! FFSC location Phone number Email Website Social media sites
Customize with FFSC information.

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