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GUIDELINES PHOTO CAPTIONS WRITING. PHOTO CAPTIONS A Syrian woman with her child at the port of Piraeus, Greece. (also known as cutlines ) are a few lines.

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Presentation on theme: "GUIDELINES PHOTO CAPTIONS WRITING. PHOTO CAPTIONS A Syrian woman with her child at the port of Piraeus, Greece. (also known as cutlines ) are a few lines."— Presentation transcript:


2 PHOTO CAPTIONS A Syrian woman with her child at the port of Piraeus, Greece. (also known as cutlines ) are a few lines of text used to explain or elaborate on published photographs

3 Readers look at a photograph first, then the caption under the photo. If the caption intrigues them by providing context and background information, readers will look back at the photograph and see something new. It's called the loop, and their next stop is the story. Rob Melton

4 CAPTIONS SHOULD make people look back at the picture, complete the picture, extend the basic story, give readers information they cannot get from just looking at a photo, not repeat information contained in the headline, not tell what the picture has made obvious, give the facts so readers can decide for themselves what the feelings or emotions are.

5 WRITING PHOTO CAPTIONS Shorter is better. The first sentence to be written is in the present tense and tells the reader what is happening in the photo. Subsequent sentences tell the context and background for what happened and they use past tense. Include as many of the who, what, when, where, why and how. Always identify the main people in the photo. Avoid making judgments. Avoid using terms like „is shown, is pictured, and looks on“. Quotes should be interesting and not just facts.

6 PLACING CAPTIONS Taken from: Avoid positioning picture captions above the pictures

7 PLACING CAPTIONS Taken from: When placing picture captions on the sides of the pictures use “sticky edges”.

8 REFRENCE sep/02/how-many-refugees-uk-take-migrant-crisis- europe-yvette-cooper sep/02/how-many-refugees-uk-take-migrant-crisis- europe-yvette-cooper with-picture-captions/ with-picture-captions/ these-simple-techniques-to-write-the-perfect- caption-every-time-to-intrigue-inform-readers-2/ these-simple-techniques-to-write-the-perfect- caption-every-time-to-intrigue-inform-readers-2/

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