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In the name of Allah Kareem, Most Beneficent, Most Gracious, the Most Merciful !

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Presentation on theme: "In the name of Allah Kareem, Most Beneficent, Most Gracious, the Most Merciful !"— Presentation transcript:

1 In the name of Allah Kareem, Most Beneficent, Most Gracious, the Most Merciful !


3 Thesis Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Results and analysis Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion References

4 In simple words Re-search mean “Search Again” OR “It is a process of gathering information to answer a question” What is Research ?

5 What is Business Research ? “Business Research is a systematic and objective process of gathering, recording and analyzing data for making good business decisions”

6  What is the best strategy to promote a particular product? (Marketing)  What is the main reasons for employee turnover? (HRM)  What is the rate of return on particular investment? (finance) Examples of Business Research

7 Research Process 7 2.Literature review 3.Research design 4.Data Collection 5. Data Preparation 6.Data Analysis 7.Discussion and Conclusion 8.Report Writing 1.Select a Topic / Problem

8 8 1 Chose Area for research (Management Sciences) 2 Select field of research (Finance, HRM, Marketing) 3 Select topic of research (Advertising in Marketing) 4 Refine topic of research (Refining topic) 5 Decide about the industry / sector 1. Select a Topic

9 What is Variable? Vary + able = Change + able  Variable is a characteristic of anything that can vary (Change).  Examples Gender (Male, Female) Age (20 years, 30 years, 50 years) Motivation level (High, Medium, Low)  Constant is a characteristic that do not vary e.g. If all students are male in a class then Gender will be constant

10 Advertisement Sales Theoretical Frame Work with respect to relation Awareness Competitors product, price, packaging, placement Budget

11 Z Theoretical Frame Work A B C W

12 Z W X Y A

13 Research Hypotheses “Research hypotheses are predictive statements about the relationship between two variables” Types of Hypothesis There are two types of hypothesis 1. Null Hypothesis Ho = There is no relationship between Advertising and Sales 2. Alternative Hypothesis H1 = There is relationship between advertising and sales







20 20 You are required to select a research topic of your interest, develop a theoretical framework on selected topic and write down one page description for the selection of your topic. In undertaking the assignment the students are expected to justify their rationale for the Research Topic and also for selected variables. Guidelines Step 1: select a topic of your choice Step 2: identify variables Step 3: find reference

21 21 Guidelines Your one page description (excluding Model and end-list references) should contain: Topic/ Title The Justification of the topic selection A description of the data – definitions of the selected variables and Conceptual Model Accuracy of Document Font Size (12) Heading (14 + Bold) Sub-Heading (12 + Bold) Font Style (Times New Roman) Line Spacing (1.5) Alignment (Justified) Spelling and Grammatical Accuracy Email :


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