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Králiková Alena, C4B. 1.Basic information 2.Historic events 3.Nature and animals 4.Interesting places 5.Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Králiková Alena, C4B. 1.Basic information 2.Historic events 3.Nature and animals 4.Interesting places 5.Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Králiková Alena, C4B

2 1.Basic information 2.Historic events 3.Nature and animals 4.Interesting places 5.Resources

3 smallest and youngest continent area: 7 682 300 km 2 residents: 22 620 600 capital city: Canberra Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy the head of the state is Elisabeth II.



6 50 000 - first settlers (Aborigines) 1606 - first European sightings (Willem Janszon) 1770 - Capitain Cook discovered Botany Bay 1788 Australia was a country as a huge penal colony 1901 - creation 6 states of Australia 2000 - Olympic Games

7 eucalyptus, acacia legumes marsupials (kangaroos, koals, wombat) birds (emu, kingfishers) Dingo

8 The Great Barrier Reef Uluru (Ayers Rock) Sydney (Opera house)

9 e#Geografie e#Geografie

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