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Status and Perspectives on Renewable Energies in Peru Ms. Sandra Vergara Coordinator of the Renewable Energy of GROUP SUPPORT RURAL SECTOR (GRUPO PUCP)

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Presentation on theme: "Status and Perspectives on Renewable Energies in Peru Ms. Sandra Vergara Coordinator of the Renewable Energy of GROUP SUPPORT RURAL SECTOR (GRUPO PUCP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status and Perspectives on Renewable Energies in Peru Ms. Sandra Vergara Coordinator of the Renewable Energy of GROUP SUPPORT RURAL SECTOR (GRUPO PUCP) September 2015 “Workshop on Climate Change, Renewable Energies and Low Carbon Economy”

2 Primary sources are oil and natural gas liquids (46%), natural gas (27%), biomass (13%), hydropower (11%) and coal (4%). 42% of all energy produced in the country is used to transport sector, 29% for the industrial sector and another 29% in the residential and commercial sector. Fuente: Peru's energy matrix, prepared by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) in 2012. Energy production in Peru

3 Peru is a diverse country, we have more than 88% of climates in the world. However we are third in the world to be at risk from the effects of climate change. PERÚ: ECONOMÍA Y DIVERSIDAD BIOLÓGICA Ministerio del Ambiente "Biodiversity not only sustains life, but also the economy. The Peru knows that sustainable management will generate wealth for all. It is time to chart a new course in the development of mankind. And the country has everything to make it so. " (Ministry of Enviroment. (2010). PERU: ECONOMY AND BIODIVERSITY. Perú: Zona Comunicaciones SAC.) Biodiversity in Peru

4 Peru has a great potential untapped Renewable Energy, and was established as a national strategy for mitigating climate change. Generation of heat Generation of electricity Hydropower generation.

5 Heat generation: Traditional biomass (wood, dung,etc) are sources that are used for cooking and water heating. We also have a solar thermal energy for heating and cooking processes.

6 Electricity generation: Hydropower has been the main source of renewable energy for electricity generation in both the grid and in the isolated system. Wind energy has mainly small-scale applications level isolated systems and demonstration projects. Photovoltaic solar energy currently has applications through small systems for telecommunications systems, distance education and medical centers. It was also have facilities for rural electrification projects and pilot projects for productive use. Biomass, bagasse and another of biogas from landfills.

7 Fuente: Relatoría del Foro sobre Política energética y EERR, ANC, Lima 2011 Generation of driving force Use of liquid biofuels such as anhydrous ethanol and Biodiesel.

8 os/2ResEje-2014-2025%20Vf.pdf Peru has a national energy plan 2014-2025 Current status and prospects of renewable energy in Peru


10 “In addition, the auction of 500,000 off-grid photovoltaic systems was completed equivalent to 50 MW capacity to be installed in rural areas of the country. The offer will consist mainly renewable energy auction of 1200 MW hydroelectric plants for the years 2020-2021. Regarding the RER is estimated to reach the 5% foreseen in the law for non-hydro technologies. Among the projects under consideration they are hybrid systems (diesel / PV) in isolated, photovoltaic, wind zones and biomass for domestic isolated and interconnected systems. It is estimated to reach in the short term not less than 200 additional MW of new non- conventional renewable generation. These measures will help us have a stake greater than 60% of renewables in electricity matrix.”

11 The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) announced that at year-end is scheduled to enter commercial operation three new power plants. The first is the Hydroelectric Quitaracsa I, in the province of Huaylas (Ancash), it has a capacity of 112 MW (megawatts). Followed by hydroelectric Chancay (Lima), it has a capacity of 19 MW. Meanwhile, the wind farm Tres Hermanas (ICA), has an installed capacity of 97 MW. In so far this year have been put into operation Cheves hydropower plants in Lima, with an installed capacity of 168 MW; and Machu Picchu II and Santa Teresa, in Cusco, with an output of 102 MW and 98 MW, respectively. Also they began operations the power plant Fría Eten (Lambayeque) having a power of 233 MW and biomass power plant La Gringa V (Lima), it has the distinction of generating electrical energy from waste.

12 What is GRUPO-PUCP? Scientific and applied research. Dissemination and promotion of appropriate technologies through development projects. Technological innovation for development Projects to protect the environment. Research Center of the Engineering Department of the PUCP, founded in 1992. main purpose: Improve the quality of life of rural population

13 50 technologies in our five ecological houses in 4 departments in Peru (Lima, Langui, Huyro, Pisco, Huancavelica) and papers, participation in congresses Thesis, projects, etc. students of various specialtie s. Teachers and professio nals

14 GRUPO PUCP: water pumping

15 GRUPO PUCP: electricity generation

16 GRUPO PUCP: Heat generation


18 GRUPO PUCP: productive use of renewable energy


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