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Classroom Rules and Procedures
The following procedures will be used in class! 8th Grade Math
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES A procedure, as defined by the Oxford American Dictionary, is “a series of actions done or appointed to be done in order to accomplish something, a way of conducting business”. Society is full of procedures. There are procedures for pouring a bowl of cereal, borrowing a book from the library, riding a ride at an amusement park, baking a cake-- you name it, there’s probably a procedure for it. A classroom is a type of society. In order for a classroom to run efficiently and effectively, there are a number of procedures with which students must not only become familiar but also put into practice on a daily basis until they become habits. Classroom procedures are to be followed whether the regular classroom teacher is present or absent.
Entering the Classroom
Enter the room quickly and quietly. Do not stand or wait around in the hallway. Bring all required materials and supplies to class each day, including something to write with & a CHARGED Netbook. Pick up All handouts, resources, materials, including notebooks, folders, & books. AGENDA should be filled out everyday & on your desk for PAWS and to stay organized. Be in your assigned seat, quiet, & ready to work when the bell rings.
Continued… Bell Work/DMR:
Students should be in their seat & working on DMR when the bell rings. DO NOT wait for the teacher or the bell to begin your work. If you finish the DMR assignment early, find something quiet to work on while others are finishing.
CLASSROOM RULES Follow the teacher’s directions the FIRST time they are given. Please do not talk during instruction. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking or asking a question. Talking is when your mouth is moving & there is sound coming out. This includes talking to yourself, talking to somebody else, whispering, singing, or sound effects. Remain in your seat & on task unless given permission to get up. NO going to your locker for any reason! You need to be totally prepared for class each day.
Raise your hand to sharpen pencils, get paper, get a tissue, any other supplies, or to use the restroom. Be courteous, polite, & respectful to your teacher & classmates. Respect the rights & property of others. If it is not yours, DO NOT touch it! Abstain from eating, drinking, & grooming in class. Heads must remain off the desk at all times. Do NOT write on the desk, without teacher permission.
CLASSROOM RULES… Do not throw or toss anything, even if you are putting something in the trash can. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself (This means you do not throw things, kick things, push people, hit people, etc.). No swearing, teasing, or name calling. (You do not use obscene or vulgar language in the classroom for any reason. You do not make fun of or tease another classmate for any reason.)
RESTROOM PROCEDURES… Students should use the restroom BEFORE coming to class. Permission to leave the room for this reason will be granted on an emergency basis only. Please plan bathroom breaks accordingly. You must provide your own agenda book and have the teacher sign it. Only 1 person will be allowed to go at a time. You may go only if: You are finished with your work You have not previously abused this privilege This is an emergency
Students are to stay in their seats and continue working until the bell rings to release them. Do not put materials away until the bell rings. Right before the bell rings everyone should be in assigned seat, be quiet, gather all their materials and wait for the teacher to dismiss the class. Please clean up after yourself. Each class deserves the same clean and cheerful classroom that you enjoyed.
Disciplinary Procedures…
1st Offense – Verbal warning, teacher reprimand 2nd Offense – Teacher/student conference (hallway or after class), Note on RDS 3rd Offense – Parent contact, Additional note on RDS, Lunch detention. Any or all of the above that apply. 4th Offense – After-school detention 5th Offense – Referral to office *These procedures may be altered according to the severity of the offense!
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