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13.4 Information and Data. Classifications of Information There are many ways in which information can be classified, this can be according to: The source.

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Presentation on theme: "13.4 Information and Data. Classifications of Information There are many ways in which information can be classified, this can be according to: The source."— Presentation transcript:

1 13.4 Information and Data

2 Classifications of Information There are many ways in which information can be classified, this can be according to: The source The nature The level The time The frequency The use The form The type

3 The Source of the Information Internal:  Staff rotas  Customer credit limits  Details of overdue accounts  Forecast of next year’s profit. External:  Marketing information from a questionnaire sent to all customers  Budget information on changes to the tax system.  Details of the Data Protection Act Primary – filled in directly Secondary – transferred from one source to another. Source document – brings information into an organisation.

4 The Nature of the Information Quantitative Can be measured in numerical terms Qualitative Tends to be concerned with opinions Formal Formal procedures Eg, computerised information systems/videoconferencing/formal letters, minutes/memos, intranet etc Informal Face to face/Telephone conversations/Reading newspapers/Listening to radio & television/Internet (forget quickly)

5 The Level of Information Strategic Information Senior Managers – historical, environmental and local information may be used to built computer models, which help to forecast future changes or needs. Tactical Information Middle Managers need to know how fast items move, how quickly stock can be replenished, how well a new product is selling, when store is most crowded. To help them management more effectively Operational Information Record of daily events and transactions, employees pay, orders, invoices, payments and stock level. To enable day to day operation of the company.

6 The Time the Information Relates to Historical Current Future

7 Frequency Real time produced immediately when transaction Data is processed eg credit card accepted/declined. Regular intervals hourly, daily, weekly, monthly? eg amount outstanding on credit card.

8 The Use Planning Control Decision Making

9 The Form Written Visual Oral

10 The Type of Information Detailed/Disaggregated Splitting up grouped data into more detail. (eg how successful is a particular product?) operational level Aggregated Totals created when detailed info added together. Sample Refers only to selected records

11 The Characteristics of Good Information Relevant Accurate Complete Reliable To the right person At the right time In the right level of detail By an appropriate channel of communication Understandable by the user (presented effectively) Good information is:

12 Ed Black runs his own business. He sets up management training courses for a wide range of organisations For each course that he runs he gathers information that helps him in the running of his business. He records the number of people attending each course, if the course was full, the number whom he was unable to accommodate, the amount paid by each course member and client satisfaction with the course together with any comments on how it could be improved.

13 Information Need A level results – for class teacher A level results – for head teacher A level results – for the governors’ report A level results – for the parents of prospective students Option 1Option 2Option 3Option 4Option 5 A table showing the number of each grade in each subject Text report in alphabetical surname order of all students in all subjects. Text report of students’ results ordered by subject. A table showing the percentage of each grade in each subject. A pie chart showing the percentage of each grade in each subject. Which is the most effective method of presentation?

14 The information is now to be presented to different people: The owner of the car showroom The sales manager The sales staff themselves. For each of these people suggest, giving reasons, a suitable but different way of presenting the information. Include the format and the content in your answer (9 marks) A car showroom has three sales staff who have recorded the following sales of cars. SalespersonWeek beginning May 4 th Week beginning May 11 th Week beginning May 18 th Week beginning May 25 th Week beginning June 2nd David Garner12189175 Sarah Jennings211419On holiday Roger Mallinson13On holiday426

15 FormatContentReason The owner of the car showroom Information aggregated to show total car sales in a line graph Total car sales for each week So the owner can see week by week how well the showroom is performing The sales managerA pie chart showing total sales for each salesperson Total sales for each salesperson So that the manager can see the relative sales The sales staffA table showing their sales Their own sales week by week Eg so they know what commission is due

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