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Water in Our Life Comparison of water consumptions Czech Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Water in Our Life Comparison of water consumptions Czech Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water in Our Life Comparison of water consumptions Czech Republic

2 Water Consumption Comparison between the summer and the winter results Czech Republic

3 Comparison of the monthly measurements Winter 8,400 litres per place 2,400 litres per person The school 213 m 3 570 persons 370 litres per person Summer 8,700 litres per place 2,500 litres per person The school 151 m 3 460 persons 330 litres per person

4 Why is the consumption at home slightly higher in summer? In summer, we take more showers – because it is warmer, or because we do more sports… We are more thirsty – because it is warmer… We wash hands more often – because we work outside… … ?

5 Why is the consumption at school lower in summer? It is difficult to guess some causes: Probably more students were absent in summer… Probably there were much more activities organized outside the school in summer… … ?

6 That is all Thank you for your attention! Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské náměstí 7

7 Water in Our Life This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, within the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programme. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information Contained therein.

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