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1/25/20161 Congratulation….. Once again….. we are all learners today. ASK.

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2 1/25/20161 Congratulation….. Once again….. we are all learners today. ASK

3 1/25/20162 Red Yellow Blue Green Yellow Red Green Blue Green Red Blue Yellow Yellow Green Red Blue Yellow Blue Red Green Yellow Green Red Blue Red Green Blue Green Green Yellow Let’s start thinking for a short while ! The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking ASK

4 1/25/20163 by Dr. Abdul Sattar Khan A presentation from a Learner to learners Exploring the qualities of a good teacher ASK

5 1/25/20164 Learning objectives Discuss why teachers require certain qualities List the qualities of a good teacher Prioritize the qualities ASK

6 1/25/20165 Road map Share the view Interactive presentation Small exercise for prioritization Summarization ASK

7 1/25/20166 Share your views ASK

8 1/25/20167 Why does a teacher need special qualities at all? New Challenge Expectations Performance Professional Development Appreciation/ Blessings ASK

9 1/25/2016 8 Students, Institutions Society Self Allah Almighty Expectations & Accountable Stakeholders Win - Win ASK

10 1/25/2016 9 Lets start to explore…… ASK

11 1/25/2016 10 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Develop passion for the profession Know, love and market your profession and subject Love what you do, do what you love ASK

12 1/25/2016 11 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Become a knowledge trader Involve students as learning partners - teaching is a two way process While the thirsty seeks water, water also seeks for the thirsty ASK

13 1/25/2016 12 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Adopt and present your very own style Entertaining, dramatic, absorbing, and amusing the changeWe must become the change we seek in the world. ASK

14 1/25/2016 13 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Mix humor in the proceedings A class is a place where you are a human….need a break ASK

15 1/25/2016 14 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Caring, nurturing, and developing minds and talent Offer common as well as individual challenges to all student Where there is no gardener, there is no garden ASK

16 1/25/2016 15 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Strong and visionary leadership Become a role model – adopt what you say Students need role models not critics ASK

17 1/25/2016 16 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Maintaining creative balance Maintain flexible agenda and be ready to cater different needs ASK

18 1/25/2016 17 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Contribute through teamwork The strength of each individual is the team. And the strength of the team is each individual. Learn, grow and achieve together ASK

19 1/25/2016 18 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Enjoy every bit of the process Work not only for money but for satisfying and enjoying yourself ASK

20 1/25/2016 19 Exploring the qualities of a good teacher Body language 55% Tone 38% Express and communicate with belief and action Words 7% Inspire with words, tone, and body language ASK

21 1/25/2016 20 Prioritizing the Qualities #Description MI [5] VI [4] I [3] NI [2] NA [1] 1Develop passion for the profession 2Become a knowledge trader 3Adopt and present your very own style 4Mix humor in the proceedings 5 Caring, nurturing, and developing minds and talent 6Strong and visionary leadership 7Maintaining creative balance 8Contribute through teamwork 9Enjoy every bit of the process 10Express and communicate with belief MI – Most Important, VI - Very Important, I – Important, NI – Not Important, NA – Not Applicable ASK

22 1/25/2016 21 List of prioritized qualities 1.Develop passion for the profession 2.Express and communicate with belief 3.Become a knowledge trader 4.Caring, nurturing, and developing minds and talent 5.Contribute through teamwork 6.Adopt and present your very own style 7.Strong and visionary leadership 8.Maintaining creative balance 9.Mix humor in the proceedings 10.Enjoy every bit of the process ASK

23 1/25/201622 BREAK HABITS BREAK HABITS Taking Up New Challenges In case of opportunity ASK

24 1/25/2016 23 Take Home Message Let’s be a 7 stars Teacher T Thoughtful E Eager to share knowledge A Active C Clear & Confident H Humble to listen & absorb E Evaluator R Researcher ASK

25 1/25/2016 24 Thanks for being a part of knowledge sharing process ASK

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