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Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed” Please copy the following S.A.T. word into.

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Presentation on theme: "Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed” Please copy the following S.A.T. word into."— Presentation transcript:


2 Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed” Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

3 abeyance / ə -ba’- ə ns/ n. [<OFr. a, to + bayer, to gape] 1. temporarily set aside

4 abeyance Because of last year’s Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction, any risky half- time performances are in abeyance.

5 Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed” Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

6 palimpsest /pal’-imp-sest/ n. [< Gr. palimpsestos, lit. rubbed again] 1. a parchment previously written upon that bears traces of the erased text

7 palimpsest The homework Kevin turned in was a palimpsest, and his teacher wouldn’t accept it because it was not on a new piece of paper.

8 Word for the Dazed Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed” Please copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

9 persiflage /pur’-si-fl ä szh/ n. [< Fr. per, through + sifilare, to whistle] 1. frivolous talk or writing 2. banter

10 persiflage Richard and Drew often exchange friendly persiflage during class, much to the chagrin of Mac Daddy J.

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