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Rationale. . Genre.. The music genre I have chosen to focus on for my music magazine are a mix of Hip hop/RnB music. I chose this genre because I enjoy.

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Presentation on theme: "Rationale. . Genre.. The music genre I have chosen to focus on for my music magazine are a mix of Hip hop/RnB music. I chose this genre because I enjoy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rationale. 

2 Genre.. The music genre I have chosen to focus on for my music magazine are a mix of Hip hop/RnB music. I chose this genre because I enjoy listening to these sources of music so I wanted to base my own music magazine on something that I am frailly interested in myself. Also these genres are a current domineering force in the music industry.

3 My target audience is from the ages 16 and above. I have chosen this target audience because I feel that my magazine will appeal to teenagers rather than the older generation. However this doesn’t mean that they are not welcome to enjoy it. I feel that this is a suitable age group because being 16 years of age, I enjoy reading magazines that involve this sort of genre so I know that this age group would also enjoy listening to this genre that I have chosen. Target audience..

4 I have not really decided on a my magazine cover title. However I have a rough idea that I might name it ‘flex’ or ‘banging’. I have come up with this idea because it seems like a good name for what my genre is based on, but this might change along the way of my planning. Title of cover..

5 Masthead? These are some of the ideas I have come up with that my masthead design may look like.

6 Front cover image.. My front cover of my magazine is going to be a mid shot of an artist. (I haven’t decided on the artist yet). This is so the first thing we see when we look at this cover of ‘flex’ or ‘banging’ is the huge image of The artist. This is so the picture of the artist dominates the cover.

7 Contents.. * List of what's in the magazine and where to find them. * Image of the editor {myself}. * Extra information * List of features in the magazine.

8 Mise-en-scene.. Lightening and use of colour- I want my magazine to have a calm background cover so the artist dominates the cover with their image. Due to this my background colour will be a very light grey or even white. Clothing- My use of wardrobe is going to be based on the aspects that the artists of Hip hop/RnB wear. Location- I am not going to use any location for my cover, instead I am going to keep it simply with the artist at mid shot so the audience can be focused on just that.

9 Double page spread.. My double page spread will include an exclusive interview with a top selling artist. It will also include pictures of celebs based on their outfits; who looked ‘hot’ and who just was ‘not’ ! It will also include images of the celebs who are currently seeing each other.

10 Photography.. The photographs that will be required for my double spread will be the following examples:

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