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ADMISSIONS OFFICE, BACHELOR Tone Mikkelsen (Admission Manager)

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Presentation on theme: "ADMISSIONS OFFICE, BACHELOR Tone Mikkelsen (Admission Manager)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ADMISSIONS OFFICE, BACHELOR Tone Mikkelsen (Admission Manager)

2 The Admission Procedure - from application to acceptance APPLICATION Confirmation -Priorities - Required documents Confirmation that all documents are received Reminder (sent to applicants aged 21 and above) OFFER / REFUSAL Confirmation that the signed contract is received Admittance package & Pin-code letter Communcation through e-mail Offer Appeal Case is being handled in an admittance forum consisting of senior consultants Refusal

3 Major Tasks Admissions Office, Bachelor level Answering phone calls Answering e-mails Data collecting Grade calculations (High School grades into Competition points for Higher Education) Printing out offers Packing offers Control registrations/decisions etc Changing priorities

4 5212 applications 984 contracts 412 offers still out 559 denials 984 contracts June 14, 2010 compared to 881 contracts June 14, 2009 Key Numbers

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