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WALT: understand what personification, metaphors and similes are. Tuesday 15 th January 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "WALT: understand what personification, metaphors and similes are. Tuesday 15 th January 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 WALT: understand what personification, metaphors and similes are. Tuesday 15 th January 2013.

2 The Alphabet Game You need to listen carefully to the person before you, as you will need to think of a word that begins with the next letter of the alphabet. The words do not just have to be nouns- think of verbs, adjectives, adverbs too! For example: A is for alligator, B is for bouncy, C is for cute, D is for dinosaur…

3 Figurative Language. Figurative language is when words and ideas are used to create mental images and give impressions. When we use figurative language in our poetry it gives our ideas strength and helps the reader to understand what we mean.

4 Personification Personification is when we write about an object as if it is human, e.g. “the tulips smiled as the sun rose.” Can you think of any other examples of personification?

5 Metaphors Metaphors say something is something else.Metaphors say something is something else.e.g. Tony is a tower of strength.Tony is a tower of strength. Wayne Rooney is a goal machine.Wayne Rooney is a goal machine. Challenge: On your whiteboards, write a metaphor for your favourite animal.

6 Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is a type of word that sounds like the thing it is describing.

7 Similes Similes are when we say one thing is like another. Similes contain the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. e.g. “the snow was on the ground like a thick warm blanket.”

8 Can you think of any similes? Here is a crazy simile: The Moon is like… … a zebra in hot pants. … the moment when you sneeze. Can you think of anymore crazy similes?

9 Task: Stick the worksheet into your books. Complete the worksheet. When you finish, think of 5 new sentences that contain figurative language and write them in your books.

10 Objective Traffic Lights How do you feel about the WALT? Green Green = Confident I have achieved this Yellow Yellow = feeling OK about this, have just about got there Red Red = don’t think I have grasped this

11 Be the teacher! Swap your books with your partner and read the sentences that they have written. Write something that you like about their sentences. How could they improve their sentences?

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