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East Tennessee Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters ET VOAD October 14, 2015 1 Charles Richard (Bud) Yard, Ph.D., M.P.H. Tennessee Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "East Tennessee Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters ET VOAD October 14, 2015 1 Charles Richard (Bud) Yard, Ph.D., M.P.H. Tennessee Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Tennessee Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters ET VOAD October 14, 2015 1 Charles Richard (Bud) Yard, Ph.D., M.P.H. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Remediation DOE Oversight Office

2 Membership Organizations:  Second Harvest Food Bank  Catholic Charities of East Tennessee  The Salvation Army  Adventist Community Services  State of Tennessee - Department of Health (Regional Office)  State of Tennessee - Department of Environment and Conservation  Coalfield Fire Depart. Morgan County LEPC  Southern Baptist Disaster Relief  Tennessee Emergency Services Chaplain’s Association  Compassion Coalition October 14, 2015 2 ET VOAD

3 Membership Organizations (continued)  Knox County Emergency Management Agency  Tennessee Emergency Management Agency  Lutheran Disaster Relief  American Red Cross (Blount County Chapter)  American Red Cross (East Tennessee)  Civil Air Patrol  Disaster Animal Response Team  Remote Area Medical (RAM)  Team Rubican October 14, 2015 3 ET VOAD

4 Membership Organizations (continued)  Holston Conference United Methodist Church  Radio Amateur Club East  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints  Cumberland Gap Baptist Association Disaster Relief  Presbytery East Tennessee Disaster Response  Church World Services  New Hope Church of God/Sevierville  Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee October 14, 2015 4 ET VOAD

5  ET VOAD is a consortium of recognized voluntary organizations active in disaster relief. It’s mission is to foster, through cooperation in mitigation and response, more effective service to people affected (imperiled or impacted) by disasters. October 14, 2015 5 ET VOAD’S MISSION

6 To bring together voluntary organizations active in disaster to foster more efficient services to people affected by disasters in East Tennessee through: a) Cooperation b) Coordination c) Communication d) Collaboration, e) Education f) mitigation at all community levels, including government agencies October 14, 2015 6 VOAD’s Purpose

7 (Quarterly at a Minimum) 1 st Thursday of February, May, August, and November Special meetings may be arranged in response to “Time Critical, but non emergency issues affecting the organization” emergency meetings... For the purpose of coordinating a response to a disaster October 14, 2015 7 MEETING FREQUENCY

8 Tennessee VOAD  (Nashville) East Tennessee VOAD  (Knoxville) Southeast Tennessee VOAD  (Chattanooga) Northeast Tennessee VOAD  (Johnson City, Kingsport) October 14, 2015 8 Tennessee VOAD Chapters

9 a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that serves as the forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle—preparation, response, recovery and mitigation— to help communities prepare for and recover from disasters. includes over 50 of the country’s most reputable national organizations (faith-based, community-based and other non-governmental organizations) and 56 State/Territory VOADs. What is National VOAD ? Arlington, Virginia October 14, 2015 9

10  Coordinated Volunteer Response  Response Resources  Recovery Resources  Spontaneous Volunteer Management Functional Support Provided by VOAD October 14, 2015 10

11  Multi–organization communication  National event communication  Needs determination  Coordination of response efforts  Ability to better target and reduce potential duplications of effort Coordinated Volunteer Response October 14, 2015 11

12 Note: VOAD is not a first Response Organization. ET VOAD responds as requested by and is coordinated through:  The Red Cross  Local Emergency Management Agency  Government Agencies  The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Response Process (How and when do we deploy ?) October 14, 2015 12

13  Mass feeding  Chain saw teams  Repair and rebuild homes Response Functions: October 14, 2015 13

14  Mobile Kitchens  Shower Trailers  Chain Saw Equipment  Repair/rebuild equipment  Flood recovery units Response/Recovery Equipment October 14, 2015 14

15 Is a key VOAD function requiring:  Community Resources and Involvement  Long Term Recovery Participation Long Term Recovery October 14, 2015 15

16  Referral location  Volunteer processing and Screening  Coordinated Dispatching Spontaneous Volunteer Management October 14, 2015 16

17 East Tennessee VOAD Web Site National web site or Charles Richard (Bud) Yard, Ph.D. at For more Information October 14, 2015 17

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