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In Search of a Valid Research Topic and its Development.

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1 In Search of a Valid Research Topic and its Development

2 Conducting research is a complex, demanding and challenging process. One can be familiar with different paradigms of inquiry but not know how to actually undertake the task of planning and effectively proposing an investigation (Locke, Spirduso & Silverman, 1987). Given the challenge, complexity and rigor of conducting research, selecting a dissertation research topic becomes one of the most critical steps in the process of conducting research (Ovando, 2010). Aspiring scholars can be successful by initially completing certain activities to identify a research topic (Ovando, 2010). 2

3 Read extensively focusing on the general area of your research study. Select those pieces, “articles or chapters,” that relate to your research topic. Pay close attention to suggestions/implications for further research. Identify potential questions/problems related to your topic. 3

4 Complete selective (close-up) reading:  Complete additional reading with a focus on the specific research gaps.  Locate a void in the area of your research topic. What gaps exist in previous research?  Develop a graphic organizer that includes the above, if possible.  Methodology (research design, sampling, respondents, limitations, delimitations).  Purpose & questions.  Review of the literature/theoretical background. 4

5 Author/Yea r MethodPurposeSampleInstrumentationOther Jones, & Gower (1997) McIssac, et al (1999) Quantitative Mixed- method Survey institutions on using distance education Examine the role of interaction in online courses All Tennessee 2-4-year institutions Under- graduates Survey study/institutional and administrative factors Descriptive and interviews/course environment * Become a consumer of research! Source: Tallent-Runnels, et al, 2006. Review of Educational Research, Spring 2006, Vol. 76, No. 1, p. 130-31. 5

6 Characterization of Your Topic Keep in mind that your research idea might…  Be only one piece of a larger puzzle.  Address a specific gap in the area of your interest.  Raise additional questions and/or highlight new problems.  Contribute to knowledge/practice/development.  Enhance/expand/contradict/confirm/advance a new perspective.  Have a historical development/historical background.  Not necessarily be new. 6

7 Research as a Puzzle 7

8 Pulling the puzzle together (Ovando, M.N., 2002) 8

9 Finding a Valid Research Problem 1)Review existing literature to determine “what is already known” and “what is not known.” 2)See if your research will: Challenge research findings that fly in the face of what you know or believe to be true. Explore unexpected or contradictory findings in previous research. Apply an existing perspective or explanation to a new situation. (Neuman, 1994) Observe how various subpopulations might behave differently in the same situation. Replicate a study in a different setting or with a different population. Address suggestions for further inquiry. 9

10 3)Attend professional conferences to learn what is hot and what is not in a specific field, and talk to researchers who are working in your area of interest. The statement of a problem should lead to the purpose of your study and specific research questions. 4)Scan conference programs to see what others are investigating and what additional questions may be asked. 5)Ask questions like: (Leedy & Ormrod, 2001) What previous research findings don’t make sense? What burning questions are still there? What needs to be done? 10

11 2.The Process question: How does it work? 1.The causal question: Does it work? Asking Research Questions Does the intervention being considered “cause” a particular outcome to change. What are the processes or interactions that mediate the causal relationship? This may require “thick descriptions” of a phenomenon. 3.The usability question: Will it work for me? 4.The evaluation question: Is it working for me? How is it doing? Does it make sense to modify, sustain or expand the program/intervention? Is the intervention/program doing what it is supposed to be doing? Source: McEwan, E. K. & McEwan, P. J. (2003). Making sense of research: What’s good, what’s not, and how to tell the difference. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc. What are the context variables of the studies, and is generalization possible? 11

12  Verify all the requirements and stages/steps from proposal to graduation.  Prepare a time line according to the year/semester you wish to graduate.  Verify both University and department calendars and deadlines.  Schedule time for every activity related to your time line.  Be disciplined in following your timeline. 12

13 June July August Work on Proposal Draft Work on Proposal Draft Schedule Proposal Meeting Schedule Proposal Meeting Before Proposal Meeting * At least 3 weeks before the meeting, your Chair should approve the 3 chapters of your proposal. * At least 2 weeks before proposal date, distribute copies to all your Committee Members. Before Proposal Meeting * At least 3 weeks before the meeting, your Chair should approve the 3 chapters of your proposal. * At least 2 weeks before proposal date, distribute copies to all your Committee Members. Final Oral Defense (at least 1 week prior to May deadline) Final Oral Defense (at least 1 week prior to May deadline) Spring Deadline Chair must Approve Dissertation Report Draft Chair must Approve Dissertation Report Draft Schedule Final Defense (2 weeks prior to date) Schedule Final Defense (2 weeks prior to date) Advancement to Candidacy (online application) Advancement to Candidacy (online application) Deadline (August) Deadline (August) Submit Advancement to Candidacy Application Enroll in Dissertation Hours Enroll in Dissertation Hours Two Semesters Present Proposal to Committee Present Proposal to Committee Graduation!! GSC (September) GSC (September) Approves Candidacy Apply to graduate earlier in the spring semester 13

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