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This battle had the second highest number of casualties.  The Battle took place in the Northwest corner of Georgia.  It was in a couple miles of Chattanooga,

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3 This battle had the second highest number of casualties.  The Battle took place in the Northwest corner of Georgia.  It was in a couple miles of Chattanooga, Tennessee  The battle was named for the west Chickamauga creek.

4  Braxton had 58,000 soldiers  William had 66,000 soldiers The Military Leaders of this battle were, William and Braxton!

5 Rosecrans army split and set out for Chattanooga by separate routes. Rosecran brought his forces together in Tennessee and Georgia and forced Braggs army out of Chattanooga. Rosecrans had a gap in his line.

6 The battle of Chickamauga lasted through Sept.19-20 in 1863

7 Day 2 The battle of Chickamauga was considered a confederate victory because it pushed the union back to Chattanooga!!

8 Braxton had 1,675 died 9,675 wounded and 4,757 missing!!! Rosecran had 2,312 dead 14,674 Wounded!

9 William Rosecran brought his force together in between Tennessee and Georgia! There was a gap in Rosecrans line of soldiers!

10 The Battle was consider a confederate victory!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 After the battle Abraham Lincoln replaced Rosecran with Ulysses S Grant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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