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English 10 14 January 2016 I.Homework is due II.Guidance Presentation – Mrs. Fike IV.Class work – Persuasive Issue.

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1 English 10 14 January 2016 I.Homework is due II.Guidance Presentation – Mrs. Fike IV.Class work – Persuasive Issue


3 Climate Change - (Science and Technology) Gun Control - (Politics) Tablets Vs. Textbooks - (Education) 1.Read the overview section for all three issues, and then choose one issue to research. 2.Click on the Background link for the issue and read the Background section. (If there is no Background link, read the Did You Know section.) 3.Click Control + Home 4.Click on the Pro & Con Arguments link and read all arguments.

4 Persuasive Issue For a class work assignment, choose one of the following topics from Climate Change Gun Control Tablets Vs. Textbooks 1.State the basic issue (complete sentence). 2.Write a statement to state which side of the issue you will argue. 3. through 5. – Paraphrase the three best arguments for your side of the issue. 6. Paraphrase the best argument for the opposite side of the issue.

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