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Privacy Impact Assessments Dean Machin, Practice Manager, Trilateral UK Learning Analytics Network, Bradford 19 Oct 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Privacy Impact Assessments Dean Machin, Practice Manager, Trilateral UK Learning Analytics Network, Bradford 19 Oct 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Privacy Impact Assessments Dean Machin, Practice Manager, Trilateral UK Learning Analytics Network, Bradford 19 Oct 2015 1

2 What is PIA? A PIA is a systematic attempt to understand the privacy risks of a project, policy, programme, product or service More formally … A process for assessing the impacts on privacy Culminating in a written report with recommendations Process involves Interviewing stakeholders Understanding product/service etc. Understanding policies and procedures Legal compliance check

3 Why do a PIA? Identify material risks, e.g., unthought-of risks 1.Recommend remedial actions 2.Or just make an organization aware of risks Legal requirement Recommendation (JISC Code of Practice) ICO Code of Practice – where there is some privacy impacting technology Public assurance 3

4 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Cash Intervention Program Cash is given to refugees; Refugees are vulnerable – and cannot really opt out; Some assistance has conditions attached; Key questions for a PIA Who gets the refugees’ personal data? How do they store it? What do they do with it? Do they share it with others? What policies and procedures are in place to ensure they handle personal data properly? 4

5 Informational privacy risks (Conducting privacy impact assessments: code of practice [ICO, 2014], pp.5-8) Risks occur where Data collected is excessive or irrelevant; Data is used in ways that are unacceptable to or unexpected by the data subject; Data is disclosed to those the data subject would not want to have it; Harm can be material but it can also occur where there is a ‘loss of personal autonomy or dignity or exacerbate fears of excessive surveillance.’(ibid., p.7) 5

6 Learning analytics – key PIA questions Purpose: what is the data collected for? Improve retention and grades; Is the data collected required for the purpose? Caring responsibilities, use of cashless payment cards, levels of university social engagement; Will it be used for other purposes? References, staff assessment; Are the relevant stakeholders aware of these other purposes? 6

7 Learning analytics – key PIA questions Who will have access to the data? Heads of Departments for staff assessment? Do students know/accept how the data will be used? Demographic data; To whom will the data be disclosed? Potential employers; 7

8 Why should universities do their own PIAs? Universities will use learning analytics in different ways Something will go wrong and it will make the news – PIAs are one way to reduce the chances of it being your institution As sophisticated data controllers, universities may feel they understand all the relevant issues – a PIA can test this 8

9 Trilateral Partners: David Wright – Kush Wadhwa – Practice Manager: Dean Machin – Our publications: Our work: Twitter: @Trilateral_UK +44 207 559 3550

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