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Lecture 21: Fourier Analysis Using the Discrete Fourier Transform Instructor: Dr. Ghazi Al Sukkar Dept. of Electrical Engineering The University of Jordan.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 21: Fourier Analysis Using the Discrete Fourier Transform Instructor: Dr. Ghazi Al Sukkar Dept. of Electrical Engineering The University of Jordan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 21: Fourier Analysis Using the Discrete Fourier Transform Instructor: Dr. Ghazi Al Sukkar Dept. of Electrical Engineering The University of Jordan Email: Spring 20141

2 Outline  Relationships between CTFT, DTFT, & DFT  Fourier Analysis of Signals Using DFT  Effect of Windowing on Sinusoidal Signals  Window Functions  The Effect of Spectral Sampling Spring 20142

3 Relationships between CTFT, DTFT, & DFT Spring 20143

4 Cont.. Spring 20144

5 Cont.. Spring 20145 Note: the aliasing in the time-domain occurred because the signal is time unlimited and the aliasing in the frequency-domain occurred since the signal is frequency unlimited. Dilemma: for most of the signals if it is time limited then it will be frequency unlimited and vice versa.

6 Spring 2014 6 Fourier Analysis of Signals Using DFT  One major application of the DFT: analyze signals  Let’s analyze frequency content of a continuous-time signal  Steps to analyze signal with DFT Remove high-frequencies to prevent aliasing after sampling Sample signal to convert to discrete-time Window to limit the duration of the signal (a consequence of the finite length requirement of the DFT) Take DFT of the resulting signal

7 Cont.. Spring 20147

8 8 Example Continuous- time signal Anti-aliasing filter Signal after filter

9 Spring 2014 9 Example Cont’d Sampled discrete- time signal Frequency response of window Windowed and sampled Fourier transform

10 Spring 201410

11 Spring 2014 11 Effect of Windowing on Sinusoidal Signals  The effects of anti-aliasing filtering and sampling is known  We will analyze the effect of windowing  Choose a simple signal to analyze this effect: sinusoids  Assume ideal sampling and no aliasing we get  And after windowing we have  Calculate the DTFT of v[n] by writing out the cosines as

12 Spring 2014 12 Example

13 Spring 2014 13 Example Cont’d  Magnitude of the DTFT of the sampled signal  We expect to see dirac function at input frequencies  Due to windowing we see, instead, the response of the window  Note that both tones will affect each other due to the smearing This is called leakage: pretty small in this example

14 Spring 2014 14 Example Cont’d  If the input tones are close to each other   On the left: the tones are so close that they have considerable affect on each others magnitude  On the right: the tones are too close to even separate in this case They cannot be resolved using this particular window

15 Effects of time-windowing Spring 201415

16 Window Functions Spring 201416

17 Window choices Spring 201417

18 Cont.. Spring 201418

19 Spring 201419

20 Spring 2014 20 The Effect of Spectral Sampling

21 Spring 2014 21 Example Cont’d  Note the peak of the DTFTs are in between samples of the DFT  DFT doesn’t necessary reflect real magnitude of spectral peaks

22 Spring 2014 22 Example Cont’d  Let’s consider another sequence after windowing we have

23 Spring 2014 23 Example Cont’d  In this case N samples cover exactly 4 and 8 periods of the tones  The samples correspond to the peak of the lobes  The magnitude of the peaks are accurate  Note that we don’t see the side lobes in this case, solve the problem with zero-padding.

24 Spring 2014 24 Example: DFT Analysis with Kaiser Window  The windowed signal is given as  Where w K [n] is a Kaiser window with β=5.48 for a relative side lobe amplitude of -40 dB  The windowed signal

25 Spring 2014 25 Example Cont’d

26  The effect of DFT length for Kaiser window of length L = 32. (b) Magnitude of DFT for N = 64. (c) Magnitude of DFT for N = 128. Spring 201426

27 Summary:  Zero-padding will increase the number of points (increase the resolution) but it will not improve the ability to resolve close frequencies.  Resolving close frequencies depends on the window length and shape, as the length increase, the ability to resolve close frequencies increase. Spring 201427

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