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Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory 1 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT EXCEL Lesson 8 – Worksheet Charts.

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Presentation on theme: "Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory 1 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT EXCEL Lesson 8 – Worksheet Charts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory 1 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT EXCEL Lesson 8 – Worksheet Charts

2 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 2 Objectives Identify the purpose of charting worksheet data. Identify the types of worksheet charts. Create a chart sheet and save a chart. Switch between charts and worksheets, zoom, and rename a chart.

3 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 3 Objectives (cont.) Preview and print a chart. Create an embedded chart. Edit a chart and change the type of chart.

4 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 4 Terms Used in This Lesson Axis Chart Chart sheet Chart Wizard Column chart Data labels Data series Embedded chart Image handles Line chart Pie chart Scatter chart

5 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 5 Identify the Purpose of Charting Worksheet Data A chart is a graphical representation of data contained in a worksheet. Charts make the data in a worksheet easier to understand.

6 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 6 Identify the Types of Worksheet Charts You can create several types of worksheet charts: – column charts – line charts – pie charts – scatter charts Several types of charts can also be created three-dimensionally.

7 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 7 Create a Chart Sheet and Save a Chart A chart created from a worksheet is considered part of that worksheet. When you save the worksheet, you will also save the charts.

8 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 8 Switch Between Charts and Worksheets and Use Zoom To switch between a worksheet and a chart, click the tab of the worksheet. You can use the Zoom command on the View menu to enlarge a chart sheet or worksheet to see it in greater detail.

9 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 9 Rename a Worksheet Change the name a worksheet by right- clicking the sheet tab and clicking Rename on the shortcut menu.

10 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 10 Preview and Print a Chart Preview and print a chart the same way you do a worksheet. Click the Print Preview button to preview the sheet. Click the Print button to send the sheet directly to the printer.

11 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 11 Create an Embedded Chart A chart sheet is an area separate from the Excel worksheet in which a chart is created and stored. An embedded chart is created within a worksheet.

12 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 12 Edit a Chart The following areas of a chart may be edited: – Chart title – Axis title – Axis – Data series – Plot area – Chart area

13 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 13 Summary A chart is a graphical representation of worksheet data. Charts may be embedded within a worksheet or created on a chart sheet. The Chart Wizard is a four-step, on-screen guide that helps you prepare a chart from an Excel worksheet.

14 Excel – Lesson 8 Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark 14 Summary (cont.) When you save the worksheet, you will also save the charts you have created from the worksheet. Edit a chart by clicking one of six areas of the chart that accesses a Format dialog box.

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