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EUKARYOTES — having a true nucleus Chromophyta - containing chlorophyll a and c Coscinodiscus waelesii Phytopia CD-ROM Bigelow Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "EUKARYOTES — having a true nucleus Chromophyta - containing chlorophyll a and c Coscinodiscus waelesii Phytopia CD-ROM Bigelow Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUKARYOTES — having a true nucleus Chromophyta - containing chlorophyll a and c
Coscinodiscus waelesii Phytopia CD-ROM Bigelow Laboratory

2 EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Cryptophyceae
Motile Contain phycobiliproteins Can be recognized by size and fluorescence (flow cytometry) Cryptomonas clases.htm

3 EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms)
Cannot swim; Can regulate buoyancy (some can migrate) Require silicon; Encased in Pill-box shaped silica frustule Important in coastal areas and spring blooms

4 Diatoms P. Roger Sweet, Indiana University

5 Images from
Diatoms pennate pennate Images from Silica frustule centric

6 EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Pyrrophyta (Dinoflagellates)
Motile; Can migrate vertically “Red tides” and shellfish poisoning There are autotrophic and heterotrophic species

7 Dinoflagellates: Some are bioluminescent
Noctiluca Noctiluca bloom

8 EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Prymnesiophyceae (Haptophyceae) Coccolithophores
Near-real-colour SeaWiFS image of a coccolithophore bloom in the Bering Sea, April 1998. CaCO3 skeletal plates pCO2 increases DMS production Emiliania huxleyi

9 EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Prymnesiophyceae (Haptophyceae) Phaeocystis
Jelly-like colonies clog nets and cause big problems on beaches in Europe Food-web alterations DMS producer Common in Antarctic

10 Aureococcus brown tides
EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Chrysophyceae Silicolagellates, Pelagomonas, Aureococcus Aureococcus brown tides

11 toxic or harmful blooms
EUKARYOTES (continued): Division Chromophyta Class Raphidophyceae Chattonella, Fibrocapsa, Heterosigma toxic or harmful blooms Chattonella marina Chattonella antiqua Cells of Chattonella marina showing different forms (ovoid, pointed-end and sausage-shaped) and a temporary cyst.

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