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The Physics 221 Instructor Team Lecturers: –Kerry Whisnant (10 AM), Joseph Shinar (8 AM, 9 AM), Kai-Ming-Ho (11 AM, 3 PM), David Johnston (4 PM) Course.

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Presentation on theme: "The Physics 221 Instructor Team Lecturers: –Kerry Whisnant (10 AM), Joseph Shinar (8 AM, 9 AM), Kai-Ming-Ho (11 AM, 3 PM), David Johnston (4 PM) Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Physics 221 Instructor Team Lecturers: –Kerry Whisnant (10 AM), Joseph Shinar (8 AM, 9 AM), Kai-Ming-Ho (11 AM, 3 PM), David Johnston (4 PM) Course secretary –Deb Schmidt Lab supervisor –Paula Herrera Recitation Teaching Assistants: –B. Chen, D. Cheng, D. Danilovic, W. Du, E. Dykstra, M. Fralaide, S. Heerschap, W. Heidorn, A. Hulsebus, Y. Lee, C. Legner, Z. Liu, R. McCarty, W. Qian, J. Runchey, J. Sahoo, S. Sarker, B. Song, E. Stewart, S. Tang, C. Vaswani, M. Wetstein, J. Wolanyk, L. Xiang, T. Yeager, A. Yu Lab Teaching Assistants: –B. Chen, D. Cheng, W. Du, E. Dykstra, M. Fralaide, S. Heerschap, W. Heidorn, A. Hulsebus, C. Legner, Z. Liu, R. McCarty, W. Qian, J. Runchey, J. Sahoo, S. Sarker, E. Stewart, S. Tang, C. Vaswani, J. Wolanyk, J. Wu, L. Xiang, M. Xu, T. Yeager, Y. Zhao

2 The syllabus Linked from Phys 221 course web page (under Course Info) – Lecturer contact information Textbook and other course material –Including for online homework Course schedule –Lectures, recitations, homework assignment due dates (reading, written, online), quizzes, exams, etc. Grading policy First homework assignment: read the syllabus carefully!

3 Exams 2 mid-semester exams –Evening exams at Final exam Thursday, February 188:15 pm – 10:15 pm Thursday, March 318:15 pm – 10:15 pm May 2 – May 6time and day TBA, 120 minutes Make no other plans for these evenings !

4 Recitations Tuesdays and roughly every other Thursday (see syllabus for exact schedule) Written homework (turn in Tuesdays) Worksheets (Tuesdays) –Hands-on, interactive learning Quizzes (Tuesdays) –One 10-minute quiz Group problems (Thursdays) –Work in groups of 2-4 on a complex problem

5 Labs 7 two-hour labs Each section meets once every 2 weeks Prelab must be completed before corresponding lab Check lab schedule for dates and time of your session (some people will have a lab this week) Detailed lab info on Blackboard Learn module PHYS 221 LABS (Spring 2016) –For questions regarding labs, e-mail Paula Herrera ( Questions based on material covered in recitations and labs will be on the exams !

6 Lectures Turn off your cell phone in lecture Bring your clicker –Register it on the PHYS 221 Blackboard module PHYS 221 Sections 1-58 and PHYS 221H Sections 1-5 (Spring 2016) No need to bring your textbook Note taking –Lecture notes will be posted on the course web page before each lecture

7 Clicker Points There will be clicker questions in each lecture. You get half credit for just answering, full credit for a correct answer. Bonus points, up to 2.5% of your total grade, will be given for answering clicker questions. Register your clicker in Blackboard. (If you loose your clicker, be sure to register your new one, too.) Clicker points count starting in Week 3. We will only count your clicker points in the lecture for which you are registered (8, 9, 10, 11 AM, 3 or 4 PM), unless you have a scheduling conflict with lecture – then you may attend a different lecture, after receiving permission from Dr. Whisnant (

8 MasteringPhysics Online homework will be done using Modified MasteringPhysics – you must have the access code for the 14 th edition of Young and Freedman New for this semester: login to MasteringPhysics may be done via the course Blackboard page Instructions for accessing MasteringPhysics are on Blackboard First online hmwk due 5 PM Fri. Jan. 16 (introduction to MP, worth minimal points)

9 MasteringPhysics If you have trouble registering for MasteringPhysics, Carly Harryman from Pearson Education will be available to help this week: –Tue., Jan. 12, 9 AM - 4 PM in Carver 385 –Wed., Jan 13, 9 AM - 4 PM in Bessey 110 –Thu., Jan. 14, 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM in 1761 Gilman If you have taken the course before using the 13 th edition, see Carly to get a new code

10 Student Assistance Physics 221 help room (=TA office hours) Lecturer office hours (see syllabus), or by appointment Physics 221 course web page Discussion board on Blackboard SI (Supplemental Instruction) sessions for Physics 221 – times TBA in lecture. Tutoring from Academic Success Center (

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