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Medical Databases Afshin Ostovar 1/25/20161. What is a Database? A database or file is a collection of information on a particular subject and contains.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Databases Afshin Ostovar 1/25/20161. What is a Database? A database or file is a collection of information on a particular subject and contains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Databases Afshin Ostovar 1/25/20161

2 What is a Database? A database or file is a collection of information on a particular subject and contains a number of separate documents all with the same structure. The content in a database may be an online version of something previously published in print, entirely new material or a compilation of information appearing in many different publications. 1/25/20162

3 Kinds of databases Bibliographic Numeric Directories Complete text 1/25/20163

4 Bibliographic databases Each record in a bibliographic database is a reference or citation (many also include a summary or an abstract) to a publication, magazine or journal article, news story, conference paper, etc. (e.g., MEDLINE®) 1/25/20164

5 Numeric databases Each record in a numeric database is a table of statistical data, often with text added (e.g., TableBase™ [BTBL]) 1/25/20165

6 Directory databases Each record gives factual information about companies, organizations, products, chemical compounds, etc. (e.g., Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference [MART]). 1/25/20166

7 Complete text databases Each record includes the complete text of magazine articles, newswire stories, etc. (e.g., BBC International Reports [BBCM], Le Monde [LMNA]). 1/25/20167

8 Database updates Databases are updated regularly, usually according to a fixed schedule, such as daily, weekly or monthly, annually, or whenever there is a new version produced. A database noted as having an Update Frequency of “Closed” or “Archive” contains back files covering a specific time period. Most databases update cumulatively, that is, new records are added to the existing contents of the database. News databases are common examples of cumulative updates. Updates to some databases, however, replace some or all of the database contents. Company and other types of directories are examples of replacement updates. 1/25/20168

9 Database Reload A few databases are reloaded on a regular basis. A database reload means that the entire content of the database is replaced with revised content. MEDLINE® is a database that is reloaded each year to reflect revised medical terminology applied by the National Library of Medicine to all the records in the database. 1/25/20169

10 Database sources Publishers Professional societies Research centers Government agencies 1/25/201610

11 Choosing the right database The success of an online search depends in large part on the database(s) chosen. The following Database Selection Checklist will help you in determining the appropriate database. – > What is the general subject? (e.g., business, science, environmental, etc.) – > What is the perspective of the question? (e.g., technical, consumer- oriented, academic, etc.) – > How much information is desirable? (e.g., overview, comprehensive, etc.) – > What type of database is needed? (e.g., directory, complete text, etc.) 1/25/201611

12 Characteristics of Databases Types of publications covered Data included Indexing standards The presence of a thesaurus Special formatting options 1/25/201612

13 MEDLINE Medline is a vast source of medical information, covering the whole field of medicine including dentistry, veterinary medicine and medical psychology. Author abstracts are provided for about 80% of the items in the database. Subject searching is facilitated by means of the NLM's Medical Subject Headings. 1/25/201613

14 MEDLINE The oldest part of Medline, covering the period 1949- 1965, contains no abstracts or author affiliations. Most of these older records are now (2008) indexed with current MeSH terminology, but there are a few which have not yet been brought up to date, and these are indicated as 'OldMedline'. 1/25/201614

15 MEDLINE There are six different types of status of Medline documents: – 'Medline' or complete, fully indexed document – 'OldMedline‘ documents (1949-1965), – Publisher – In-Process – 'In-Data-Review' documents - the latest few weeks of the literature, before they have been fully indexed for Medline; – 'PubMed-not-Medline' records - those which are considered to fall out of the scope of Medline's selection criteria 1/25/201615

16 MEDLINE In-Process and In-Data-Review documents are generally online within a few days of publication. About 30% of journals are fully indexed within 30 days, and 60% are indexed within 60 days. 1/25/201616

17 MEDLINE LanguageEnglish Coverage5,000 journals /more than 70 countries UpdatesDaily with annual refresh ThesaurusMeSH PublisherNational Library of Medicine (NLM) 1/25/201617

18 EMBASE A bibliographic database in the area of biomedicine, is the most current biomedical database available today. Articles appear in the database, on average, within two weeks of receipt of the original journal. Each record contains the full bibliographic citation, indexing terms, and other information about the original article; 80% of all citations in EMBASE include author-written abstracts. 1/25/201618

19 EMBASE About 580,000 abstracts and citations are added annually and each record is classified and indexed by medical research specialists who assign terms in accordance with EMTREE. EMTREE is Elsevier's Life Science thesaurus consisting of more than 50,000 terms and nearly 210,000 synonyms. Beginning in 2010, updates included sources that were previously available only in Medline. In addition, an archive of some 7M Medline-derived records was added to the files. 1/25/201619

20 EMBASE (Subject Coverage) EMBASE covers about 7,000 journals from approximately 70 countries and the following areas: Drug Research, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmaceutics, and Toxicology Human Medicine (Clinical and Experimental) Basic Biological Research Health Policy and Management Public, Occupational, and Environmental Health Substance Dependence and Abuse Psychiatry Forensic Science Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation 1/25/201620

21 EMBASE LanguageEnglish/Non-English CoverageAbout 7000 journal articles UpdatesDaily/ ThesaurusEMTREE PublisherElsevier B.V. 1/25/201621

22 EMBASE Dates Covered: 1993 to the present (File 72) June 1974 to the present (File 73) 1947 - 1973 (File 772) 1947-present (File 972) File Size: More than 11M records as of April 2010 (File 72) More than 19M records as of April 2010 (File 73) 75,524 records from 1996-1999 (File 272) More than 1.8M records (File 772) More than 23M records as of April 2010 (File 972) Update Frequency: Daily (File 72) Daily (File 73) Closed (File 272) Closed (File 772) Daily (File 972) 1/25/201622

23 EMBASE Document Types Indexed Conferences, Symposia, Meetings Journal Articles Books Geographic Coverage: International Sponsor: Elsevier B.V. 1/25/201623

24 ELSEVIER 1/25/201624

25 ELSEVIER 1/25/201625

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31 Scopus Launched in November 2004, is the largest abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Over 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 publishers Scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and, more recently, also in the arts and humanities. 1/25/201631

32 Scopus 18,000 titles: – 16,500 peer-reviewed journals (including 1,200 Open Access journals) – 600 trade publications – 350 book series – 3.6 million conference papers from proceedings and journals 41 million records – 20 million records with references back to 1996 (of which 78% include references) – 20 million records pre-1996 which go back as far as 1823 1/25/201632

33 Scopus 318 million scientific web pages 23 million patent records from five patent offices “Articles-in-Press” from over 3,000 journals Features and functionality designed to support and improve researchers’ workflow, including: – Seamless links to full-text articles and other library resources – Refine results and citation overviews – Author and affiliation searching – Alerts via email, RSS etc. 1/25/201633

34 The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education. Content: education-related documents and journal articles. Geographic Coverage: International 1/25/201634

35 The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Dates Covered: 1966 to the present File Size: More than 1.3M records as of September 2009 Update Frequency: Monthly (Approximately 3,000 per update) 1/25/201635

36 ERIC, Subject Coverage Adult, Career, and Vocational Education Counseling and Personnel Services Elementary and Early Childhood Education Educational Management Handicapped and Gifted Children Higher Education and Junior Colleges Information Resources Languages and Linguistics Reading and Communication Skills Rural and Urban Education, Small Schools Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education Social Studies and Social Science Education Teacher Education Tests, Measurement, and Evaluation 1/25/201636

37 PsycINFO, Psychological Abstracts Provides access to the international literature in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences, Records for virtually all journal articles are accompanied by abstracts. All records from 1967 to the present are indexed using controlled vocabulary from the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms. 1/25/201637

38 PsycINFO, Psychological Abstracts Dates Covered: 1887 to the present File Size: More than 2.7M records as of September 2009 Update Frequency: Weekly (approximately 1,500 records per update) Geographic Coverage: International Provider: American Psychological Association 1/25/201638

39 PsycINFO, Psychological Abstracts Contents: citations and abstracts for journal articles, books, book chapters, reports, and dissertations from Dissertation Abstracts International. Journal material represents substantive articles selected on the basis of relevance to psychology from more than 1,700 journals published throughout the world in more than 25 languages. 1/25/201639

40 Subject Coverage Applied Psychology Communication Systems Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Experimental Human and Animal Psychology Personality Physical and Psychological Disorders Physiological Psychology and Neuroscience Professional Personnel and Issues Psychometrics Social Psychology Social Processes and Issues Sports Psychology and Leisure Treatment and Prevention 1/25/201640

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43 Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) DARE is a Full Text database containing critical assessments of systematic reviews from a variety of medical journals. DARE is produced by the National Health Services' Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (NHS CRD) at the University of York, England, and consists of structured abstracts of systematic reviews from all over the world. DARE records cover topics such as diagnosis, prevention, rehabilitation, screening, and treatment. 1/25/201643

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49 SID (Scientific Information Database) خدمات عمده پايگاه SID عبارتند از : جستجو و ارائه چکيده مقالات نشريات علمي - پژوهشي کشور دسترسي به متن کامل (Full Text) مقالات معرفي و ارائه مقالات نشريات ايراني نمايه شده در ISI دسترسي به مجموعه مقالات محققان ايراني چاپ شده در نشريات بين المللي سرويس گزارش ­ هاي استنادي نشريات علمي – پژوهشي کشور (JCR) از طريق شاخص تاثير (Impact Factor) و شاخص آني (Immediacy Index) معرفي نشريات و نويسندگان مقالات پر استناد سرويس ارسال الکترونيکي مقالات (Online Submission) و رهگيري پيشرفت کار توسط نويسندگان 1/25/201649

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51 پژوهشگاه علوم و فن آوري اطلاعات ايران پایگاه ‌ های اطلاعات علمی پژوهشگاه، با بیش از 615 هزار ركورد اطلاعاتی، روزانه 22 هزار نفر بازدیدكننده دارد و براساس گزارش شورای عالی اطلاع ‌ رسانی از لحاظ حجم محتوا، مقام اول را در میان سایت ‌ های دولتی داراست. عنوان مهمترین پایگاه ‌ های پژوهشگاه :  پایان ‌ نامه ‌ های ایران - كارشناسی ارشد و دكترا، 126 هزار و 847 ركورد  پایان ‌ نامه ‌ های فارغ ‌ التحصیلان ایرانی خارج از كشور، 15 هزار و 842 ركورد  طرح ‌ های پژوهشی كشور، 90 هزار و 76 ركورد  مقالات ‌ علمی ‌ و فنی ‌ نشریات ‌ ادواری ‌ فارسی ‌ ، 139 هزار و 286 ركورد  گزارش ‌ های دولتی ایران، 27 هزار و 840 ركورد  مقالات ‌ سمینارها، کنگره ‌ ها و سمپوزیوم ‌ های ‌ علمی ‌ و فرهنگی ‌ ایران ‌ ، 105 هزار و 947 ركورد  بانك اطلاعات محققان و متخصصان كشور، 19 هزار و 373 ركورد  فهرست ‌ مشترک ‌ نشریات ‌ ادورای ‌ لاتین ‌ كتابخانه ‌ های ‌ كشور، 17 هزار و 828 ركورد  اطلاعات خزر، 3 هزار و 837 ركورد  اطلاعات آب 1/25/201651

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56 Dissertation Abstracts Online A definitive subject, title, and author guide to virtually every American dissertation accepted at an accredited institution since 1861. Selected Masters theses have been included since 1962. In addition, since 1988, the database includes citations for dissertations from 50 British universities that have been collected by and filmed at The British Document Supply Centre. 1/25/201656

57 Dissertation Abstracts Online Dates Covered: 1861 to the present File Size: 2,273,818 records as of June 2009 Update Frequency: Monthly 1/25/201657

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62 SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe) Examples of grey literature include: – Technical or research reports – Doctoral dissertations – Some conference papers and pre-prints – Some official publications – Discussion and policy papers 1/25/201662

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