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An Introduction to Unit 4: Marketing Yourself 2015-16.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to Unit 4: Marketing Yourself 2015-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Unit 4: Marketing Yourself 2015-16

2 Unit 4 CATs Write a Personal Statement for a UCAS application OR for a specific job (include a plan) Mock interview Plan, deliver and review a group or individual presentation Reflective response

3 Purpose of session Help students to prepare for successful applications and interviews Why? Ability to promote yourself is vital to success How? Provide advice and tools on ‘how to...’

4 Purpose of Unit 4 Develop practical lifelong skills Relevant for securing future HE or job places Improve your confidence – how many are confident in all situations? Promoting yourself is not easy – lets practice how to do it

5 HE stats What about those that didn't get places? Competition – Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Law, Teaching, Physiotherapy, Social Work... 677,373 495,596 Number of applicants (2014) Number who got places (2014)

6 How to make yourself memorable? Academic grades? – not enough on there own Relevant Work experience Extra curricular activities - skills Well written personal statement including all of above A good interview performance and presentation skills

7 Personal Statement Market yourself Reasons for choosing course Understandin g of course/ subject Areas of academic interest/ strength Career aspirations Employment, work experience, voluntary work Skills and abilities with examples Extra- curricular DofE/ NCS Other interests

8 Use the Personal statement guide at

9 Use the Studential website to view example personal statements Don’t plagiarise. Not all examples are good!

10 Personal Statement – do’s Make it relevant and concise – one statement fits all course choices Make sure you have plenty of experiences to write about and provide examples Consider style as well as content - structure and SPG Always be positive about yourself, but honest and truthful

11 Personal Statement – don’ts Repeat, waffle and be vague Mention individual institutions by name Leave it till the last minute! Copy others work - UCAS Similarity Detection Service

12 How can you make yourself memorable? Interviews Will determine whether you get the place or job or not Some courses interview all candidates, others interview a selection

13 How to make yourself memorable? Preparation – research the course, institution or company Provide evidence with specific examples Non-verbal communication Enthusiastic Professional Confident – interviews are a performance! Ask questions

14 Presentations Plan, prepare and practice Keep it simple and relevant Stick to the time allocated Use presentation aids – PowerPoint, pictures, video clips Remember to reflect on performance to improve

15 Use the PM web page as a research tool

16 Points to remember Remember to include a plan of your personal statement Use the templates and other guidance in the Unit 4 booklet to help you, and online PM resources/web links Include a copy of your presentation slides/handouts Stick to the word counts requested Don’t copy and paste info from the web – plagiarism

17 Open Days 2015/16 Saturday 24 October 15 Friday 4 December 15 Thursday 23 June 16 Wednesday 29 June 16 Saturday 17 September 16 9.30am – 3.00pm

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