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District 5650 Grant Management Seminar April 11, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "District 5650 Grant Management Seminar April 11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 District 5650 Grant Management Seminar April 11, 2015

2 Introductions & Housekeeping District Leadership Team District Foundation Team Attendee Introductions Housekeeping

3 Today’s Agenda Club Qualification 2015-16 DDF Funding Types of Grants Stewardship, Reporting Breakout Discussions

4 Qualification Club Qualification process is simple: Signed Memorandum Of Understanding (signers are not required to attend GMS) 2 members attend a Grant Management Seminar (webinar future possibility) Not Delinquent with Reporting, Payment of Dues or Tax Returns

5 Terms of Qualification Valid for one Rotary year Entire club responsible Disclose potential conflicts of interest Proper use of grant funds Timely grant reporting

6 Source of Grant Funding

7 2013-14 2 2014-152012-132015-16 SHARE Projects yr Timeline 1 Contributions To APF (Annual Program Fund) Funds Invested Funds Invested 3

8 District Designated Funds 2015 – 2016 Program Year Annual Programs Funds 2012-13: $92,664 50% of the funds available for local grants DDF Funds World Funds DDF Funds World Funds District Grants Global Grants $ 46,332 $46,332 $ 46,332 $46,332 carry over (est) $78,629 carry over (est) $78,629

9 District Grants Types of Grants 2015 Global Grants

10 Handout Terms and Conditions for District & Global Grants

11 District Grants

12 Local community projects Relate to the mission of TRF Include active participation of Rotarians Project expenses may not be incurred prior to approval Award Criteria will include club’s past contributions to TRF

13 District Grants Cannot repeat prior projects Scholarships ineligible Projects must be in District 5650 Must have designated bank account Receipts required for all expenditures

14 District Grants Matching Funds 1:1 Club Contribution Min. club(s) contribution - $300 / club –For multi-club projects, total minimum club contribution may be provided by any club(s) Max. District match - $1,500 / club; if multi-club, $4,500 / application

15 District Grants Application Timeline May 31, 2015 Last day to submit Applications June 14, 2015 Committee reviews applications, submits Spending Plan to TRF for approval July-Aug 2015 Grant approval notification; funds disbursed when Block Grant is received. December 31, 2015 Interim report due March 31, 2016 Project completion deadline

16 2014-15 District Grants $41,263 - available funds $31,901 – funds requested 25 projects submitted / 24 clubs 3 projects submitted by District Share Examples - discussion

17 Global Grants

18 Six Areas of Focus Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention and Treatment Water and Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic Education and Literacy Economic and Community Development

19 Minimum Project Size $30,000 Minimum Match from TRF $15,000 Maximum Grant from TRF $200,000 Maximum Project Size Unlimited Global Grant Basics

20 Humanitarian Projects Vocational Training Teams (VTT) Global Scholarship Note: A Global Grant can be a combination of any of these types of grants. Types of Global Grants

21 Align with one or more Area of Focus Are Host Community driven Exhibit good Stewardship of funds awarded Provide a Long Term Benefit - Sustainable Include active Rotarian participation Are measurable Fund Large-Scale Activities:

22 Vocational Training Teams Rotarian Team Leader and members with a minimum work experience in Area of Focus Provide professional training May support travel of multiple teams Must align with Area of Focus Duration of trip flexible

23 Graduate-level coursework 1 to 4 academic years Study in an Area of Focus Further the mission of TRF Applicant must provide proof of admission Global Grant Scholarships

24 Global Grant Funding Club contribution $10,000 District contribution $10,000 (Match 1.00 / 1.00) TRF World Fund match $15,000 (Match: Club.50 / 1.00; District 1.00 / 1.00) Total Grant Amount $35,000 Application deadline: August 31, 2015


26 Eligibility Guidelines Grant funds must not be used for: New construction of habitation structures Purchase of land or buildings Cooperating organization expenses Personal benefit Duplication of TRF or Rotary program Reimbursement of existing project Excessive support of any one beneficiary See Grant Management Manual for full list

27 The capacity for maintaining outcomes long-term to serve the ongoing needs of a community after grant funds have been expended. Optimal use of local resources. Prepare community for transition. Sustainability

28 Stewardship The responsible management and oversight of grant funds, including: 1. Rotarian supervision of project 2. Standard business practices 3. Reporting of irregularities to TRF 4. Implementing projects as approved 5. Financial records review 6. Timely submission of reports

29 Separate account(s) must be established for Rotary grants Payment will only be submitted to a bank account specifically for the project Project account name should be easily identifiable by club and project Bank Accounts

30 Report online: Progress Reports are due at least every 12 months for the life of the project Final Report is due within two months of the project’s completion Document Retention – 5 years Reporting Timeline

31 Prior Global Grants Sudan water project$115,500 Zambia water/agriculture$117,000 Afghanistan education$ 38,500 Nicaragua deaf children$ 33,750 India eye glasses$ 33,750

32 District 5650 website: Grant Management Manual: Grants Education The Rotary Foundation Kenneth Waterbury Grants Officer The Rotary Foundation Phone: 847-866-3322 Email: RESOURCES

33 Seminar Evaluation

34 Thanks for all You do for Rotary and The Rotary Foundation

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