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U. S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

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1 U. S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

2 DOT (PHMSA) Pipeline Safety Are We Prepared? Elizabeth Komiskey, P.E. Senior Program Manager November 6, 2006 Restoring Trust In Pipeline Safety

3 Overview Responsibility Emergency Response Plans & Training Public Awareness PHMSA Hurricane Preparedness Plan “To ensure the safe, reliable, and environmentally sound operation of the Nation’s pipeline transportation system.”

4 Responsibility Pipeline Operators hold primary responsibility for the restorations of pipeline systems. PHMSA holds a supporting role in the restoration of pipeline systems by maintaining contact with: Federal, state and local agencies Emergency Responders Pipeline Operators

5 Emergency Response Plans 49 CFR Part 192: Natural Gas Pipelines Operators are required to have Emergency Plans (including training of personnel) under 192.615 49 CFR Part 195: Hazardous Liquid Pipelines Operators are required to have Emergency Plans under 195.403(e) and Emergency Response Training under 195.404

6 Emergency Response Training Pipeline Operators are required to conduct Emergency Response Training which includes but not limited to: Personnel Training Emergency Response Drills Table Top Exercises 49 CFR Part 194-on shore oil pipeline spill response

7 Public Awareness Regulations 49 CFR Part 192: Natural Gas Pipelines 192.616 49 CFR Part 195: Hazardous Liquid Pipelines 195.440 Both require operators to follow the guidance in API RP 1162, First Edition, December 2003

8 Establish Public Awareness Program Administration with Management Support (Steps 1 – 4) Identify Stakeholder Audiences (Step 5) Determine the Messages (Step 6) Establish the Frequencies (Step 7) Establish the Delivery Methods (Step 8) Evaluate the Need for Program Enhancement (i.e. Supplemental Activities) (Step 9) Implement the Program and Track Progress (Steps 9 and 10) Public Awareness Program Process Guide Evaluate the Program and Implement Continuous Improvement (Steps 11 and 12)

9 Target Audience Affected public Landowners, residents and visitors to places of congregation near the pipeline Local and state emergency planning and response officials Local public officials and governing councils Excavators

10 PHMSA Hurricane Preparedness Plan Activated for a category III hurricane or higher Provisions for personnel in projected path Pre-impact deployment assistance from Regional and Headquarters personnel in unaffected areas

11 PHMSA Hurricane Preparedness Plan Before, during and after landfall: 1.Identify and set priorities for companies impacted 2.Planning and contingency assessment 3.Ensure availability of special permits 4.Coordination internally and with other federal agencies 5.Training PHMSA personnel for hurricane response 6.Daily communication with affected companies 7.PHMSA inspection for damaged facilities 8.PHMSA assistance for needs to restore service

12 PHMSA Contacts Public Awareness Program Blaine Keener 202-366-0970 PHMSA Hurricane Preparedness Plan Joy Kadnar P.E. 202-366-0568

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