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2001-09-161 Designing Better Online Teaching Material 교과목명 : 컴퓨터 교육론 논문 발표자 : 4 학기 신지연 발표일 : 2001.9.19.

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Presentation on theme: "2001-09-161 Designing Better Online Teaching Material 교과목명 : 컴퓨터 교육론 논문 발표자 : 4 학기 신지연 발표일 : 2001.9.19."— Presentation transcript:

1 2001-09-161 Designing Better Online Teaching Material 교과목명 : 컴퓨터 교육론 논문 발표자 : 4 학기 신지연 발표일 : 2001.9.19

2 2001-09-162 Abstract Web-based tutorial development Processes and methods to develop the tutorial Techniques used to test prototypes of tutorial Creation a new process for developing online teaching material

3 2001-09-163 Motivation CBI is a useful technique to support learning expanding the time, pace, place of education Computer related subjects are emerging as the first to bring learning online to students No other tutorials on data warehousing operators appeared to exist

4 2001-09-164 Motivation(cont ’ ) Creative and practical approach to using published processes and methods Varied and careful learning and usability tests Commitment to correcting all learning and usability problems

5 2001-09-165 The Data Warehousing Tutorial Supplement a series of lectures on data warehousing operators Review knowledge of data warehouses, learning about data warehousing operators, see examples of the operation in use,and try the operators for themselves

6 2001-09-166 Overall structure of the tutorial “Basic Concepts” : data warehousing fundamentals and a sample data warehouse that use the tutorial “Data Warehousing Operators” : DrillDown, RollUp, Slice and Dice, Pivot, Cube “Conclusion” : End of Tutorial cgi-bin/jlu1/

7 2001-09-167 Processes for Developing Instructional Tools Usability is important but achieving good learning outcomes is an even more important goal Nelson, Whitener and Philcox’s process for the development of training materials

8 2001-09-168 Cont ’ Steps : the assessment of training needs, the analysis of training requirements, the design, development, implementation and evaluation of training materials

9 2001-09-169 Cont ’ Data warehousing tutorial is a relatively small project Essential steps : Identifying training needs, Describing the trainee population and Selecting tasks for training, Evaluating learner reaction and achievement

10 2001-09-1610 Cont ’ The blended process(essential steps from the training design process + discount usability engineering design process) Processes and methods are tools for developing the designer ’ s abilities

11 2001-09-1611 Cont ’ Usability is also an issue in the design of any software product User-centered processes Nielsen ’ s discount usability process : “ Know your users ”, “ Prototype, Design and Modify ”, “ Perform a Heuristic Evaluation of the Prototype ”, “ Perform User Testing ”

12 2001-09-1612 The Learner – Centered Design Process Know Your Users Before designing an online tutorial, identify training needs, the user, clarify the training tasks Analyse Competitive Systems Interface design virtues and flaws, functionality, organization techniques, style

13 2001-09-1613  Design and Develop Teaching Material : Carroll and Rosson ’ s six principles for designing training material  Learn in the Context of Real Work  Provide Additional Educational Artifacts

14 2001-09-1614  Support Users to Apply Prior Knowledge  Exploit Errors as Learning Opportunities  Support Users to Make Progress Quickly  Ensure Learning Tasks Require Reasoning and Improvising

15 2001-09-1615 Evaluate Teaching Material : Outcome is analysed and if the results are not satisfactory, revisions are made  Evaluating Learning : During user testing, short task completion times and low error rates suggest that learning has occurred  Evaluating Usability goal : assess if a system “ is easy to learn, easy to use, contains the right functions and is liked by users ”

16 2001-09-1616  Usability Inspection Purpose : find usability problems, grammatical errors and learnability problem  User Testing Purpose : identify usability problem in the interface design Rubin ’ s exploratory tests can result in major changes to a prototype Assessment tests fine tune a prototype

17 2001-09-1617 “ think aloud ” technique, extensive notes, post-test questionaire In both rounds 70% of problems : navigational, wording or layout issues The other 30% : organizational problems in the design of new tutorial parts, difficulties with the design of the input model The percentage of correct answers : Exploratory test - 50% Assessment test – 67%

18 2001-09-1618 The time spent working on questions and query construction : 40.6 21.37 min on average Improve learning by removing usability problems in teaching material Feedback from the questionaires was very positive

19 2001-09-1619 Summary Successful teaching material is primarily determined by learning outcomes Blend an instructional design process with a usability design process creating a new process we called the Learner-Centered design process

20 2001-09-1620 Cont ’ This case study serves as a example of how processes and methods can be applied when developing instructional tools We provided a good example of one way to use processes and methods effectively to create online resources for educational purposes

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