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Glacial Landscapes.

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Presentation on theme: "Glacial Landscapes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glacial Landscapes

2 Continental Glaciers (Ice Sheet)
Types of Glaciers Valley Glaciers Continental Glaciers (Ice Sheet)

3 Ice Sheets and Rebound

4 How glacier ice forms

5 How Continental Glaciers Form

6 How Valley Glaciers Form

7 Glacial Advance and Retreat
Glacial Retreat

8 How glaciers flow

9 Evolution of glacial landforms

10 Glacial Valleys Colorado Rockies Yosemite Other Processes?

11 Depositional features (Moraines)

12 W. W. Norton. Adapted from Tarbuck and Lutgens, 1996
Fig W. W. Norton. Adapted from Tarbuck and Lutgens, 1996

13 What causes Ice Ages? Tectonics Global atmosphere
Contintents at high latitude Oceanic currents Global atmosphere CO2 Concentration (weathering and volcanoes) Insolation (Milankovitch cycles) Feedback factors Albedo Deep ocean water formation Biological processes that form CO2

14 Milankovitch Cycles

15 What happens during an Ice Age?

16 The last Ice Age

17 What else happens during an ice age?
Sea Level Change Changes to Entire Climate Giant Floods

18 How do we know about earlier climates?
On Short timescales: Written records Anecdotal evidence On Intermediate timescales: Tree rings On Longer timescales: Stable isotopes

19 Oxygen Isotopes By measuring the ratio of 18O to 16O in the shells of foraminifera, we can figure out at what temperature they were formed Connecting a process (shell growth) with environmental conditions

20 The Oxygen Isotope Record
cooler warmer

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