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Evaluating Media Service Program Chapter 13 Presented by: Dal Marie Hawkins.

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1 Evaluating Media Service Program Chapter 13 Presented by: Dal Marie Hawkins

2 Objectives Purposes for evaluating media service programs… Five questions that an effective evaluation program should answer… Who should be involved in a media center evaluation… How three types of data can be collected for an evaluation program… Four types of evaluation… How evaluation results can be used by media mangers…

3 Why should Media Service Programs be evaluated? Administrators want to know how well the departments are performing… Wise managers will not wait for an evaluation to be thrust upon them… Good media managers will make evaluation an integral part of the overall of valuation… Accountability is the sole purpose of evaluation…

4 Sole purpose of evaluation The practice of evaluation involves the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and the outcomes of programs, personnel, and products for use by specific people to reduce uncertainties, improve effectiveness, and make decisions with regard to what those programs, personnel, products for use by specific people to reduce uncertainties, improve effectiveness, and make decisions with regard to what those programs, personnel, or products are doing and effecting.

5 Evaluation  Evaluation is a continuous process  The quality and the effectiveness of the programs should be evaluated.

6 The Evaluation Process

7 Purposes for evaluation media services program is to:  Gather information  Identify small problems  Improve staff performance  Provide an opportunity for staff members to participate in program development  Justify the media budget

8 What should be evaluated? Are user needs identified? Are services provided to meet those needs? How well are those services being provided? What should be changed to improve services? Is quality leadership evident?

9 Quality and Effectiveness Quality pertains to how well the services are provided, that is, logistical procedures work, services are provided on time, equipment is in good repair, and production standards are high. Effectiveness relates to whether or not the services produce the intended or expected results for recipients-learners, trainees, or viewers.

10 Quality and Effectiveness Are media services provided to the clients with a minimum of inconveniences and operational service barriers? Are services available to the clients as needed? Do the resources used by clients actually enhance learning, provide experiences, or sell products? Are standards established and used in selecting quality instructional materials and for producing materials with the media center? Is the media center staff size adequate for meeting requests? Are materials within the center’s collection easy to locate and retrieve? Are the materials and equipment collections large enough to meet client needs?

11 Three groups of people can be used effectively to evaluate a media service program: 1.The Media Center Staff 2.The Clients or Users of the Services 3.Outside Consultants

12 Information Gathering Techniques  Quantitative data provides information about the utilization of the program services, a numerical accounting of what is used by whom and how often.  Subjective data provides information about opinions, attitudes, and perceptions that individuals hold toward the media center.  Normative data are a set of accepted norms that can be used for comparing one’s media center services and facilities.  Empirical data is verifiable information based on experiment or observation.

13 Some of the support materials and activities that should be gathered and reviewed includes:  All previous evaluations and team reports on the center and organization;  Copies of all recent annual reports, data collection activities, and financial summaries;  Audit reports;  Students and teacher evaluations assessments, and informal correspondence;  Etc…

14 Using Evaluation Results The data collected must be carefully collated, summarized, and reported. An evaluation provides the media manager with both the information and opportunity for making changes. Evaluation provides an opportunity for effective staff improvement and growth. Evaluation can provide support for new program proposals.

15 In Conclusion:  The media manager should not expect to fix all problems overnight; however, some problems take longer and some may not be fixable owing to budget or facility constraints.

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