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Astroparticle physics with large neutrino detectors  Existing detectors  Physics motivation  Antares project  KM3NeT proposal M. de Jong.

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Presentation on theme: "Astroparticle physics with large neutrino detectors  Existing detectors  Physics motivation  Antares project  KM3NeT proposal M. de Jong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astroparticle physics with large neutrino detectors  Existing detectors  Physics motivation  Antares project  KM3NeT proposal M. de Jong

2 Super-Kamiokiande detector 50 kT water Cherenkov detector

3 Point to sun e-e-  sun e 4p  4 He + 2e + + 2 e + 25 MeV Atomic electron! Earth

4 Super Nova 1987A Time correlation

5 All particle cosmic ray spectrum  = E -2.7  (m 2 sr s GeV) -1 E (GeV) 1 / km 2 /year Where do they come from? Pierre Auger Observatory E max = 10 21 eV > 5 x 10 19 eV (GZK) 1 GeV10 10 GeV

6 Neutrino detection  Neutral  point back  Weak interaction  no absorption Need huge detector   X N 

7 1960 Markov’s idea:  Range of muon:  Detect Cherenkov light:  Transparency of water: Use sea water as target/detector

8 Amanda neutrino sky map Atmospheric muons horizon No point sources discovered yet

9 Active Galaxy (e.g. M87) Black hole with 10 8 x mass of sun  10 4 ly extra-galactic Microquasar (SS433 etc.) Black hole with  mass of sun  1 ly galactic Neutrino source candidates Supernova remnant (Crab nebula)

10 Neutrino production  Acceleration:  Decay:

11  Astrophysics –Neutrino astronomy –Composition of jets –Engine of cosmic accelerators  Particle physics –Origin of UHE cosmic rays –Massive particles (GUT) –Dark matter –Neutrino properties ( ,  ) Physics motivation

12 Diffuse neutrino fluxes atmospheric neutrinos W&B MPR DUMAND + NT-200 AMANDA-II/ANTARES IceCube/KM3NeT NT-200 AMANDA-B10 GRB

13 Antares detector Equipped volume 0.1 km 2 x 0.4 km (=800 x SuperK) 42° 50’ N 6° 10’ E Atlas

14 Detection principle c(t j - t 0 ) = l j + d j tan(  c )  + N   + X  = 0.2 deg.  x = 20 cm  t = 1 ns medium properties

15 “All-data-to-shore” concept position time 10 ms DataFilter 2  s offline reconstruction 1 MB/s determination of  trajectory 1 GB/s events

16 GRB alert systems GRBs are detected by satellites Distribution of GRB alerts that follow the detection of a GRB within tens of seconds Possibly messages will follow with the location of the burst

17 Data taking in case of a GRB alert GRB alert DataFilter alert trigger events from the known direction looks for correlations in the data for the given direction write all data to disk, including all data in memory all data 100 DataFilter nodes with each 1 GB RAM location of the GRB detector data filtered offline 100 s of unfiltered data prior to the alert + few minutes of unfiltered data after the alert disk specialised data filter

18 Effective volume log 10 E (GeV) effective volume (km 3 ) Detection efficiencies clustering and reconstruction using direction information standard clustering and reconstruction Improved detection efficiency

19  GRB detection  Source tracking  Monopole detection  Periodic signals “All-data-to-shore” options:

20 KM3NeT

21  Main objectives –Equipped volume 1 km 3 (25 x Antares) –Cost/Volume x 0.5 –4  Field Of View –Angular resolution 0.1 deg.  FP6 Design Study proposal March 2004 –NIKHEF leading partner IT –PMT & readout developments –Detector parts assembly in the Netherlands KM3NeT

22 Summary  Water Cherenkov: Large neutrino detectors  Antares: “All-data-to-shore” concept  KM3NeT initiative 2004 - 2008  Astroparticle physics with neutrinos


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