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Immigration Today. The 1977 Charter for Multicultural Australia Multiculturalism was introduced in 1973Multiculturalism was introduced in 1973 Became.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration Today. The 1977 Charter for Multicultural Australia Multiculturalism was introduced in 1973Multiculturalism was introduced in 1973 Became."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration Today

2 The 1977 Charter for Multicultural Australia Multiculturalism was introduced in 1973Multiculturalism was introduced in 1973 Became a policy in 1977Became a policy in 1977 Implemented social cohesion, equality, and cultural identityImplemented social cohesion, equality, and cultural identity

3 Social Cohesion Create unity within Australian communities Incorporate new ethnic groups into the Australian society

4 Equality Individuals are neither advantaged nor prejudiced because of prior origin, ethnicity or religion. Equality was treated as having ‘equal access to social resources’.

5 equality depends on and strengthens multiculturalism, multiculturalism depends on and strengthens equality From the submission to the Australian public by the Australian Ethnic Affairs Council

6 Cultural Identity Multiculturalism: the doctrine (policy) that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can co- exist peacefully and equitably in a single country

7 Boat People of the 1970-1980s from a trickle to a flood

8 ‘Nobody knows how many have drowned or been murdered by pirates. But more than two years after the fall of Saigon, they are still coming, and in increasing numbers.’ Martin Woollacott Saturday December 3, 1977 Guardian Unlimited

9 More than 1million people became refugees An estimated 25% of those people never made it to shore Australia accepted around 137,000 refugees The Boat People

10 Vietnamese refugees rescued on the South China Sea (1985).

11 Children living in a Philippine refugee camp make their way to school (1984).

12 I think when you're in a camp faith is extremely important, you have to look positive and think positive, and believe that one day you're going to get to get out of the camp…”. Huy Pham

13 Refugees at the Chi Ma Wan camp in Hong Kong wait for an opportunity to be resettled in the West (1984).

14 The Fitzgerald Report of 1987-8 The Inquiry Into Australian Immigration

15 The Fitzgerald Report. Released 3 rd June 1988 Report on the concerning the criterion of immigration Populate or Perish policy was disregarded Demanded more professional skills, English language skills, and youth Cartoon Published in 1988

16 Population Projections: Australia 1988 - 2030 (Figures are in millions) YearNo net immigrationNet Immigration: 125,000 per annum Net Immigration: 170,000 per annum 198816.0 200017.519.520.2 202018.724.025.9 203018.926.129.0 (Sources: Fitzgerald Report and Australian Bureau of Statistics)

17 Today’s Policies

18 In regard to refugees or asylum seekers Australia stands to: assist people in humanitarian need overseas for whom resettlement in another country is the only available option; and comply with Australia's international obligations onshore under the Refugee Convention. Australia's immigration programme now has two components: Migration (non-Humanitarian) for skilled and family migrants Humanitarian for refugees and others with humanitarian needs.

19 Australia has resettled over 645 000 refugees over the last 60 years One of only about 20 countries that are part of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) In 2004 Australia helped resettle 15 967 persons Australia’s Contribution to Humanitarian Resettlement

20 Thank You<3

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