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Public Opinion & Faction Module 5.4: Media Bias. What is Bias? Expression of preference for or opposition to –Ideas –Places –Populations –Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Opinion & Faction Module 5.4: Media Bias. What is Bias? Expression of preference for or opposition to –Ideas –Places –Populations –Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Opinion & Faction Module 5.4: Media Bias

2 What is Bias? Expression of preference for or opposition to –Ideas –Places –Populations –Communities –Policies –Modes of communication Selective observation and reporting May be conscious or unconscious –“objective reporting”: a Myth of 20 th Century American media Consciously abandoned in 1984 with the end of the ‘equal time rule’

3 What kinds of bias? Partisan –Favors a particular party or a partisan agenda –The “Partisan Press”: more overt outside US –Example Sydney Herald=Australian Conservative Party “mouthpiece” Ideological –Favors a particular ideological preference –Often confused with partisan bias –Examples Reason magazine=libertarian press Mother Jones=‘liberal’ press The Weekly Standard= neo-conservative press

4 What kinds of bias? Demographic –Favors a particular demographic audience geography profession or trade gender parental status age ethnic group

5 Not So Obvious Biases Sensational –Shock value –Salacious gossip –scandal Negativity –“Bad News” –“If it bleeds, it leads” Narrative –Every news item a “story” –Elements of a story Setting Timing Conflict –Protagonists –Antagonists Rising action Climax Denouement

6 And Finally… Profit –Most media organizations in the US are private, for profit interests –Or else are owned by private, for-profit corporations Who owns your favorite news source?

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