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Lessons learned from experience: case studies Personalized Social Support Title: Turi Kumwe (All Together in Kirundi) – Additional socio- economic support.

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons learned from experience: case studies Personalized Social Support Title: Turi Kumwe (All Together in Kirundi) – Additional socio- economic support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons learned from experience: case studies Personalized Social Support Title: Turi Kumwe (All Together in Kirundi) – Additional socio- economic support to reintegrate ex-combatants with disability (2011/2013) Countries: Burundi Specific thematic: Social and Economic Integration Presented by: Anne Burtin, Project Coordinator

2 Ministry of Solidarity FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS (FDC) 31 Social Workers Ministry of Solidarity FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS (FDC) 31 Social Workers 46 Focal points (ex-combatants with disability elected) Personal action Plan Personalized Social Support Orientation National level Provincial level Community level Needs Identification 1789 ex combatants with disability in 5 provinces Community/Family FDC Service providers Local associations/HI

3 Services provided Follow up by economic facilitators (HI) Business training Apprenticeship/Formal technical training Access to micro credit Professional kit Access to medical support and psychosocial support Mediation with family, justice, local authorities Support to be member of local associations National reintegration programme Personalized Social Support Economic support Home visits by social workers (CDFC) Social Workers (FDC) Local associations Vocational training center/micro enterprises Micro finance institution Handicap International

4 Measures taken to overcome obstacles Main difficulty: appropriation of the PSS approach (needs identification, design of action plans, kind of support ) by social workers and beneficiaries  3 training sessions in 3 years for “convincing” about PSS.  Continuous coaching by HI technical officers to social workers through practice analysis to support the design of personal action plan and follow up.  Mobilization of the focal points to explain the approach of the projects to the beneficiaries and the community/local authorities  A large set of awareness activities on disability issues targeting communities, local authorities, stakeholders.

5 The most significant changes Testimonies of social workers from Family Development Centers "Now you are listening firstly the person and questions are asked later. Before I put my questions immediately. “ "At the beginning it was difficult to talk to participants about their problems, they were closed. After several visits and interviews with the family, a relation of confidence is created. “ => A new perception of social work is on going on the both side (beneficiaries/social workers) “I can overcome my difficulties now that I have new perspectives, that I am more confident in the future” – Testimony of beneficiary

6 How to duplicate or develop these practices? – Key points  Focus on training on PSS and participative design of the tools to be used (follow up forms, action plan) involving final users.  Use case studies/analysis to support the design of personal action plan and to reinforce continuous coaching/accompaniment.  Involve local “resources” (family, neighbors, community, local associations) in the implementation of the action plans.  Mobilize existing social service providers to ensure sustainability.

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