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Cardiovascular system Anatomy and Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular system Anatomy and Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular system Anatomy and Physiology

2 Chapter 15 1

3 Chapter 15 Cardiovascular System

4 Size of Heart Average Size of Heart 14 cm long 9 cm wide 3

5 Location of Heart posterior to sternum medial to lungs
anterior to vertebral column base lies beneath 2nd rib apex at 5th intercostal space lies upon diaphragm 4

6 Coverings of Heart 5

7 Wall of the Heart 6

8 Wall of the Heart 7

9 Heart Chambers Right Atrium receives blood from Left Atrium
inferior vena cava superior vena cava coronary sinus Left Atrium receives blood from pulmonary veins Right Ventricle receives blood from right atrium Left Ventricle receives blood from left atrium 8

10 Heart Valves 9

11 Coronal Sections of Heart

12 Heart Valves Tricuspid Valve Pulmonary and Aortic Valve 11

13 Skeleton of Heart fibrous rings to which the heart valves are attached

14 Path of Blood Through the Heart

15 Path of Blood Through the Heart

16 Blood Supply to Heart 15

17 Blood Supply to Heart 16

18 Angiogram of Coronary Arteries

19 Heart Actions Atrial Diastole/Ventricular Systole
Atrial Systole/Ventricular Diastole Atrial Diastole/Ventricular Systole 18

20 Cardiac Cycle Atrial Systole/Ventricular Diastole
blood flows passively into ventricles remaining 30% of blood pushed into ventricles A-V valves open/semilunar valves close ventricles relaxed ventricular pressure increases 19

21 Cardiac Cycle Ventricular Systole/Atrial diastole
A-V valves close chordae tendinae prevent cusps of valves from bulging too far into atria atria relaxed blood flows into atria ventricular pressure increases and opens semilunar valves blood flows into pulmonary trunk and aorta 20

22 Heart Sounds Lubb first heart sound occurs during ventricular systole
A-V valves closing Dupp second heart sound occurs during ventricular diastole pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves closing Murmur – abnormal heart sound 21

23 Heart Sounds 22

24 Cardiac Muscle Fibers Cardiac muscle fibers form a functional syncytium group of cells that function as a unit atrial syncytium ventricular syncytium 23

25 Cardiac Conduction System

26 Cardiac Conduction System

27 Muscle Fibers in Ventricular Walls

28 Electrocardiogram recording of electrical changes that occur in the myocardium used to assess heart’s ability to conduct impulses P wave – atrial depolarization QRS wave – ventricular depolarization T wave – ventricular repolarization 27

29 Electrocardiogram 28

30 Electrocardiogram A prolonged QRS complex may result from damage to the A-V bundle fibers 29

31 Clinical Application Arrhythmias Ventricular fibrillation Tachycardia
rapid, uncoordinated depolarization of ventricles Tachycardia rapid heartbeat Atrial flutter rapid rate of atrial depolarization 30

32 Cardiac Cycle 31

33 Regulation of Cardiac Cycle
Autonomic nerve impulses alter the activities of the S-A and A-V nodes 32

34 Regulation of Cardiac Cycle
Additional Factors that Influence HR physical exercise body temperature concentration of various ions potassium calcium parasympathetic impulses decrease heart action sympathetic impulses increase heart action cardiac center regulates autonomic impulses to the heart 33

35 Blood Vessels arteries carry blood away from ventricles of heart
arterioles receive blood from arteries carry blood to capillaries capillaries sites of exchange of substances between blood and body cells venules receive blood from capillaries veins carry blood toward ventricle of heart 34

36 Arteries and Arterioles
Artery thick strong wall endothelial lining middle layer of smooth muscle and elastic tissue outer layer of connective tissue carries blood under relatively high pressure Arterioles thinner wall than artery endothelial lining some smooth muscle tissue small amount of connective tissue helps control blood flow into a capillary 35

37 Walls of Artery and Vein

38 Arteriole smallest arterioles only have a few smooth muscle fibers
capillaries lack muscle fibers 37

39 Metarteriole connects arteriole directly to venule 38

40 Capillaries smallest diameter blood vessels
extensions of inner lining of arterioles walls are endothelium only semipermeable sinusoids – leaky capillaries 39

41 Capillary Network 40

42 Regulation of Capillary Blood Flow
Precapillary sphincters may close a capillary respond to needs of the cells low oxygen and nutrients cause sphincter to relax 41

43 Exchange in the Capillaries
water and other substances leave capillaries because of net outward pressure at the capillaries’ arteriolar ends water enters capillaries’ venular ends because of a net inward pressure substances move in and out along the length of the capillaries according to their respective concentration gradients 42

44 Venules and Veins Venule thinner wall than arteriole
less smooth muscle and elastic tissue than arteriole Vein thinner wall than artery three layers to wall but middle layer is poorly developed some have flaplike valves carries blood under relatively low pressure serves as blood reservoir 43

45 Venous Valves 44

46 Characteristics of Blood Vessels

47 Blood Volumes in Vessels

48 Arterial Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure – force the blood exerts against the inner walls of the blood vessels Arterial Blood Pressure rises when ventricles contract falls when ventricles relax systolic pressure – maximum pressure diastolic pressure – minimum pressure 47

49 Pulse alternate expanding and recoiling of the arterial wall that can be felt 48

50 Factors That Influence Arterial Blood Pressure

51 Control of Blood Pressure
Controlling cardiac output and peripheral resistance regulates blood pressure 50

52 Regulation of Cardiac Cycle
Autonomic nerve impulses alter the activities of the S-A and A-V nodes 51

53 Control of Blood Pressure
If blood pressure rises, baroreceptors initiate the cardioinhibitory reflex, which lowers the blood pressure 52

54 Control of Blood Pressure
Baroreceptors in the Vena Cava signal cardioaccelerator reflex and sends sympathetic impulses to the heart. Baroreceptors in Vena Cava stretched send signal to cardiac center sends sympathetic impulses to the heart Heart rate increases 53

55 Control of Blood Pressure
Dilating arterioles helps regulate blood pressure (peripheral resistance) 54

56 Venous Blood Flow not a direct result of heart action dependent on
skeletal muscle contraction breathing venoconstriction 55

57 Central Venous Pressure
pressure in the right atrium factors that influence it alter flow of blood into the right atrium affects pressure within the peripheral veins weakly beating heart increases central venous pressure increase in central venous pressure causes blood to back up into peripheral vein 56

58 Pulmonary Circuit consists of vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart 57

59 Blood Flow Through Alveoli
cells of alveolar wall are tightly joined together the high osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid draws water out of them 58

60 Systemic Circuit composed of vessels that lead from the heart to all body parts (except the lungs) and back to the heart includes the aorta and its branches includes the system of veins that return blood to the right atrium 59

61 Major Vessels of Arterial System

62 Major Blood Vessels of the Heart

63 Principal Branches of the Aorta

64 Abdominal Aorta and Its Major Branches

65 Cerebral Arterial Circle
Circle of Willis formed by anterior and posterior cerebral arteries, which join the internal carotid arteries 64

66 Major Vessels of the Venous System

67 Veins That Drain the Abdominal Viscera

68 Veins from the Abdominal Viscera: Hepatic Portal Vein
Hepatic portal vein drains one set of capillaries and leads to another set 67

69 Life-Span Changes cholesterol deposition in blood vessels
heart enlargement death of cardiac muscle cells increase in fibrous connective tissue of the heart increase in adipose tissue of the heart increase in blood pressure decrease in resting heart rate 68

70 Clinical Application Arrhythmias Ventricular fibrillation Tachycardia
rapid, uncoordinated depolarization of ventricles Tachycardia rapid heartbeat Atrial flutter rapid rate of atrial depolarization 69

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