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“Ab Fab Pres” Absolutely Fabulous Platform Presentations Miriam Bar-on and Lindsey Lane Educational Scholars Program 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "“Ab Fab Pres” Absolutely Fabulous Platform Presentations Miriam Bar-on and Lindsey Lane Educational Scholars Program 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Ab Fab Pres” Absolutely Fabulous Platform Presentations Miriam Bar-on and Lindsey Lane Educational Scholars Program 2008

2 Objectives Identify potential problems encountered in preparing and giving platform presentations Describe solutions to overcome some of the pitfalls and problems Give fabulous presentations Have fun!!!

3 Brain Writing: Part I Think about preparing for a presentation: −What scares you? −What are the challenges? −What are potential pitfalls? Take a few minutes and then pair- share with your neighbor

4 Potential Problems: Scary Stuff Public speaking Marbles in the mouth Going over time limit Tough questions Technology failure Tripping on the stairs Trembling hands Shaking voice

5 Potential Problems: Challenges Clarity Balance Selecting content Organizing content Creating slides Highlighting content Engaging audience Impact - SOCO

6 Potential Problems: Pitfalls TMI Audience confused Audience bored “So what” factor

7 Brain Writing: Part II Reflect on a presentation recently heard: −What do you want to emulate? −What do you want to avoid? Take a few minutes and then pair-share with your neighbor

8 Mimi and Lindsey’s Top 10 Tips and Solutions

9 Number 1 Tips and Solutions: Timing Timing is critical Dictates both content and delivery Keep revising and refining Practice each iteration and time yourself

10 Number 2 Tips and Solutions: Perfect Slides Color Layout −“Less is more” −Better to have many slides and fewer words/lines per slide Font Error free −Proof read −Others need to proof read

11 Number 3 Tips and Solutions: Content of Slides Amount of information −Avoid busy slides −If unavoidable highlight important parts Type of information −Summary phrases −Bullet points

12 Number 4 Tips and Solutions: Organization Sequence Clarity – present to others for feedback and suggestions −Mentor −Colleague −Content naïve but intelligent person Listen and incorporate feedback

13 Number 5 Tips & Suggestions: Anticipate Questions Practice having people ask questions Think of questions that might be asked Have a slide or two available at the end that can be referred to

14 Number 6 Tips and Solutions: Delivery Pace Modulation Articulation Expression – facial and body language Make eye contact

15 Tips and Solutions: Delivery Practice in front of a full length mirror with a watch/timer Present to others Listen to feedback Do not read your slides

16 Number 7 Tips and Solutions: Dress Professional Comfortable −Watch shoes – don’t want to trip

17 Number 8 Tips and Solutions: Technical Bring your presentation in triplicate: −Memory stick (2 may be better) −Saved on laptop −CD rom Have a home person “on call” ready to email if necessary Go to the speaker ready room ASAP Make sure presentation works on conference equipment Bring your own pointer

18 Number 9 Tips and Solutions: Anxiety “Case the joint” Use relaxation techniques that work for you Get a good night’s sleep Eat a balanced meal Have friends in the audience Think of the audience using imagery

19 Number 10 Tips and Solutions: Practice Practice Thank the audience Have fun!!!

20 Thank You

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