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New precise measurements of radiative charged kaon and hyperon decays Ermanno Imbergamo University of Perugia and INFN on behalf of the NA48/2 Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "New precise measurements of radiative charged kaon and hyperon decays Ermanno Imbergamo University of Perugia and INFN on behalf of the NA48/2 Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 New precise measurements of radiative charged kaon and hyperon decays Ermanno Imbergamo University of Perugia and INFN on behalf of the NA48/2 Collaboration Cambridge, CERN, Chicago, Dubna, Edinburgh, Ferrara, Firenze, Mainz, Northwestern, Perugia, Pisa, Saclay, Siegen, Torino, Vienna KAON 2007 - Frascati, Italy, June 21-25, 2007

2 KAON 2007 2 Ermanno Imbergamo Outline  Mainly         decay formalism experimental status NA48/2 measurement    →   e + e −  decay NA48/2 measurement    →  end   →   e + e - NA48/1 measurement

3 KAON 2007 3 The NA48/2 beam line Beams overlap within ~1mm through the 115m long decay volume (vacuum 10 -5 mbar) Split +/- Select P (60±3) Gev/c Recombine +/- Focusing Muon sweeping Cleaning Beam spectrometer ( resolution 0.7 %) 100 m115 m Pion decay products are confined in the pipe vacuum

4 KAON 2007 4 The NA48 detector Beam pipe => PT KICK = 120 MeV Magnetic spectrometer (4 DCHs): Δp/p = 1.0% + 0.044%*p [GeV/c]  +  -  ± mass resolution about 1.7 Mev/c Liquid Krypton EM calorimeter (LKr) High granularity, quasi-homogenious; ΔE/E = 3.2%/√E + 9%/E + 0.42%[GeV]  x,  y ~ 1.5 mm   0  0  ± mass resolution about 1.4 Mev/c Hodoscope fast trigger; precise time measurement (150ps). Hadron calorimeter, muon veto counters, photon vetoes. LV1 trigger: hodoscope and DCH multiplicity LV2 trigger: on-line data processing

5 KAON 2007 5 Ermanno Imbergamo IB DE IBINT DE DEIB Sensitive variable: P * K = 4-momentum of the K ± P *  = 4-momentum of the  ± P *  = 4-momentum of the    depends on 2 variables (    and W) that can be reduced to only one integrating over            (decay formalism)

6 KAON 2007 6 Ermanno Imbergamo Two types of contributions: Electric (J=l±1) dipole (E) Magnetic (J=l) dipole (M) Electric contributions are dominated by the Inner Bremsstrahlung term DE shows up only at order O(p 4 ) in CHPT: is generated by both E and M contributions INT term is sensitive to E only Inner Bremsstrahlung(IB) : (2.75±0.15)·10 -4 PDG (2006) (55<T *  <90 MeV) Direct Emission (DE) : (4.4±0.7)·10 -6 PDG (2006) (55<T *  <90 MeV) Interference (INT) : not yet measured         (amplitudes)

7 KAON 2007 7 Ermanno Imbergamo BNL E787 KEK E470         ( exp results for DE and INT) All the measurements have been performed: in the    region 55-90 MeV to avoid     and       background assuming INT = 0 Interference estimations*: ExperimentYear# EventsBR(DE) × 10 6 E787 [20] E470 [21] E787 [22] E470 [23] 2000 2003 2005 19836 4434 20571 10154 4.7 ± 0.8 ± 0.3 3.2 ± 1.3 ± 1.0 3.8 ± 0.8 ± 0.7 History of DE Branching ratio *not quoted as measurements by authors

8 KAON 2007 8 Ermanno Imbergamo         ( enlarged    region) T *   T *   DE  T *   INT  Standard region Use standard region 55<T *  <90 MeV as safe choice for BG rejection But…. region <55 MeV is the most interesting to measure DE and INT This measurement is performed in the region 0 < T *  < 80 MeV to improve statistics and sensitivity to DE

9 KAON 2007 9 Ermanno Imbergamo K          K                ( the selected data sample)   Event selection requirements on tracks requirements on LKR clusters effort into  s pairing requirements on the event closure   All physical BG can be explained in terms of       events only   Very small contribution from accidentals is neglected    mistagging probability (a self background) is order of ‰ Selected region 220K events

10 KAON 2007 10 Ermanno Imbergamo         (W shapes from MC)   3 MC data samples for the 3 contributions to the decay IBINTDE

11 KAON 2007 11 Ermanno Imbergamo         ( Data-MC comparison) W(Data)/W (IB MC ) Fitting region IB dominated region IB dominated part of the W spectrum Radiated  energy (IB dominated) Data MC for E  (W<0.5) E  min cut   IB contribution is very well reproduced by MC MC − data

12 KAON 2007 12 Ermanno Imbergamo         (fit results) Frac(DE) 0 < T *  < 80 MeV = (3.35 ± 0.35 ± 0.25)% Frac(INT) 0< T *  <80 MeV = (-2.67 ± 0.81 ± 0.73)% fit the W data spectrum using MC shapes with the weights to be extracted: W dat =(1-  -  )W IB +  W DE +  W INT systematic dominated by Trigger efficiency. parameters are highly correlated r=-0.92 First evidence of non zero INT term! 2004 data set: x4 # events and lower systematic due to trigger

13 KAON 2007 13 Ermanno Imbergamo comparison to others)         (comparison to others) For comparison with previous experiments the fraction of DE has been also measured, with: INT = 0 55<    <90 MeV Consistent, although the analysis of fit’s residuals shows a bad  2 Indication for a non-null INT term Frac(DE) 55<T*  <90 MeV = (0.85 ± 0.05 ± 0.02)%

14 KAON 2007 14 Ermanno Imbergamo remark)         (a remark) form D’Ambrosio and Cappiello (hep-ph/0702292v2 dated 19 April 2007) dynamics new input to          dynamics d  ± /dW should include a form factor dependent on W → → W shapes in MC samples need to be recomputed (DE shape only) → → the fit as well → → not negligible modifications are expected on DE and INT fractions

15 KAON 2007 15 Ermanno Imbergamo   →   e + e −  (BR measurement) Event sample: 92 candidates events with 1±1 accidental background 5.1±1.7 physical background BR(K ± →  ± e + e −  )=(1.27±0.14 stat ±0.05 sys )·10 −8 Never observed before Naïve estimation of the BR: BR(K ± →  ± e + e −  )=BR(K ± ->    )·2  ~ 1.6·10 -8 Theoretical expectation (  Pt based, Gabbiani 99): BR(K ± →  ± e + e −  )=(0.9-1.6)·10 -8 Normalization channel: K ± ->     D : 14M events

16 KAON 2007 16 Ermanno Imbergamo   Radiative Hyperon decays from NA48/1 NA48/1 Beam line same detector as NA48/2 neutral beam: mainly K s,     

17 KAON 2007 17 Ermanno Imbergamo     →  (I)  Use the  →p   as analyser  dN/dcos   1 -     cos     = 0.642 ± 0.013 (PDG)   43814   →  events selected   0.8 % background

18 KAON 2007 18 Ermanno Imbergamo   →  (II)   →  = - 0.68±0.02stat ±0.06syst

19 KAON 2007 19 Ermanno Imbergamo    →   e + e - BR  ee) =7.7±0.5stat±0.4syst·10 −6  ee) = −0.8 ± 0.2 Never observed before Naïve estimation of the BR: BR(  0 →  e + e - )=BR(  0 ->  )·  ~ 8.8·10 -6 Theoretical expectation ( QED based, Bernstein 65): BR(   →  e+e - ) = (6.4-7.3)·10 -6 Event sample: 412 candidates events with 7±5 accidental background 8±3 physical background Normalization channel:   D : 30K events

20 KAON 2007 20 Ermanno Imbergamo Conclusion Conclusion  NA48/2 recent results in charged radiative Kaon decays ofirst evidence of non 0 INT term in K ± →  ±  0  ofirst measurement of K ± →  ± e + e -  BR  NA48/1 recent results in radiative hyperon decays onew measurement of   →  ofirst measurement of the   →  e + e - BR and decay asymmetry

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