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By: Vance Walker, Kara Wilson, Ashley Roofner, Rockie Skelly, Livio Collini.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Vance Walker, Kara Wilson, Ashley Roofner, Rockie Skelly, Livio Collini."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Vance Walker, Kara Wilson, Ashley Roofner, Rockie Skelly, Livio Collini

2  Bushido-Samurai’s way of life.  It was taught in early years of life.  Means way of the warrior.  Values frugality, loyalty, martial arts.

3  Seppuku-when a samurai commits suicide for honor.  This is done by stabbing the lower stomach and slicing across using their sword.  Another samurai decapitates the samurai to quicken the death; therefore its not as painful.  This is done when shame or dishonor is brought upon their family or Daimyo.

4  The 47 Roman ; two Daimyos gave a high shogunate official gifts. He found them inadequate. He wanted to kill Daimyo. In a council, a man named Asano pulled his sword on the man who found the gifts inadequate he was shamed for braking the law against drawn swords in council. He had to commit seppuku. (ending his life)

5  They wore top knot hairstyles, kimonos (color depended on ranking) full body armor (including helmet)  They used a Katana sword (24-28in. Long). Wazikashi (12-24in. Long).

6  The end of the movie was mind-boggling. In reality no one would of bowed when the last samurai commits seppuku.  The general's clothing at the end was western clothing even though he was just on the samurais side fighting against the army.

7  They were westernizing.  The biggest freedom of a samurai was to be able to carry a sword anywhere.  To humiliate them, they cut their hair knot off because that hair style symbolized their rank.

8  Between 1600-1900  They used sneak missions to kill and they were very stealthy.  Men and women from any social class, most were former samurais.  A lot of women were better, for their variety of attacks.

9  Anyone can become a ninja. Whether you’re a peasant or samurai.  To be a samurai you MUST obtain the status to become one or be born into the family.

10  Ninja’s attacks were 100% different from a samurai. They used a variety of weapons like poison darts, spikes, ninja stars, etc.  Ninjas were sneaky and attacked at night on unsuspected targets. Samurais were more of a man to man sword fight to the death. I found the sneaky attack and variety of weapons interesting even though they were still spotted ontop of the roof.

11  The government sent ninjas and the time frame was way off.  The ninjas disappeared at the end of the 1600s. This scene should not have been in the movie because it seems out of place.  This is the only ninja scene in the entire movie.

12  The ninjas wore dark colors.  Dark blue not black  The ninjas used the blow darts and attacked sneakily at night to surprise the enemy.

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