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WATCH D.O.G.S WHAT IS WATCH D.O.G.S? – Watch D.O.G.S. stands for “Dads Of Great Students.” It is a national program that was started in 1998 in Springdale.

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Presentation on theme: "WATCH D.O.G.S WHAT IS WATCH D.O.G.S? – Watch D.O.G.S. stands for “Dads Of Great Students.” It is a national program that was started in 1998 in Springdale."— Presentation transcript:

1 WATCH D.O.G.S WHAT IS WATCH D.O.G.S? – Watch D.O.G.S. stands for “Dads Of Great Students.” It is a national program that was started in 1998 in Springdale Arkansas. Since its beginning it has brought hundred of thousands of father figures into the school. – The program has been so successful in bringing fathers and father figures into the school it has been endorsed by the President’s advisory council. – The program can be put into place in any school anywhere.

2 Why is it important to have father’s and father figures engaged in a child’s life? Kids develop more fully socially, physically, academically emotionally and spiritually when they have a positive male role model in their life. If a father can’t be physically engaged in a child’s life then it can be their stepfather, grandfather, big brother, uncle, pastor, or coach. All children need some adult male to follow in the footsteps of and to learn from whether they are a boy or a girl.

3 WHAT DO STUDIES SAY ABOUT POVERTY, CRIME, TEEN PREGNANCYHEALTH AND EDUCATION ? Poverty - The U.S. Census Bureau found that children living in father-absent homes are five times more likely to live at or below the poverty line…to be poor. Crime- Studies show that adolescents, particularly boys, in father-absent homes are at a higher risk of substance abuse, drinking, and smoking. Teen Pregnancy- Teens without involved fathers are twice as likely to be involved in early sexual activity (younger than 18 Years) and seven times more likely to get pregnant as an adolescent. Health- Obese Children are more likely to live in father-absent homes. Education- Students living in father-absent homes are twice as likely to repeat a grade but father involvement in school is associated with students mostly getting A’s.

4 GOALS OF WATCH D.O.G.S. To provide positive role models for the students, which in turn demonstrates to the students that education is important. To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to increase security and reduce bullying.

5 Benefits of the Program Students gain positive male role models. Schools gain an extra set of eyes and ears. Watch D.O.G.S. get a glimpse of their students’ everyday world and the challenges and decisions youth are facing today. Fathers gain a better understanding of the “Positive Impact” they have on their students life in academics, self esteem, and social behavior. Watch D.O.G.S. volunteers provide help for the teachers and the students.

6 WHO ARE WATCH D.O.G.S. Watch DOGS are father’s, grandfathers, uncles, and father figures who volunteer for at least one day each school year. During the day a DOG can read and work with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, assist with arrival and dismissal of students. A DOG actively engages with all students… not just their own.

7 WRAP IT UP…… Watch D.O.G.S. DVD Handouts Questions







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