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 This activity is designed for 3 rd graders who have not been exposed to multiplication or who have had a little exposure to multiplication.  This will.

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2  This activity is designed for 3 rd graders who have not been exposed to multiplication or who have had a little exposure to multiplication.  This will help to prepare the students for an introduction to division that will occur later on in 3 rd grade.

3  Students should gain the general knowledge of multiplication and how it can be represented as an addition problem  Content Standards: › N.MR.03.10 Recognize situations that can be solved using multiplication and division including finding “How many groups?” and “How many in a group?” and write mathematical statements to represent those situations. › N.FL.03.11 Find products fluently up to 10 x 10; find related quotients using multiplication and division relationships.

4  Students are going to learn the rule first and then they are going to be given an example  Students are going to learn the concept of multiplication through... › repeated addition explanations and examples › Learning the idea of ‘how many groups’ and ‘how many in each group’  arrays, building groups, and relating groups to repeated addition

5  Students will also be engaged in using real world problems  Students will use decision making skills to answer questions  Students will be evaluated on their responses  Students will also be asked the question “why”

6  The student will be given multiple answer questions to answer to demonstrate active knowledge of the multiplication concept.  He/she will be asked to identify correct answers as well as identify correct number sentences.

7  During the quiz the students will click a number as well as number sentences  After he/she has selected their answer they will be given an immediate response to whether they were correct or incorrect. There will be a visual response as well as an auditory response

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