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Project. Research Project Due: – Project report due Monday midnight Delayed a bit due to popular demand Can accept an even higher delay (Tuesday at noon)

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Presentation on theme: "Project. Research Project Due: – Project report due Monday midnight Delayed a bit due to popular demand Can accept an even higher delay (Tuesday at noon)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project

2 Research Project Due: – Project report due Monday midnight Delayed a bit due to popular demand Can accept an even higher delay (Tuesday at noon) – For a 10% drop in project grade. – Project presentation due to me and Tarique morning of class on Monday 70% of 50% = 35% of your grade – 30% of 50% = 15% was decided by the mid-term report. – If you do really well, all mistakes are forgiven!

3 Project Report At least 4 pages, at most 8 pages – Strict!!! points could be deducted if violated (learn to be convincing not all-inclusive) – Includes EVERYTHING: references, figures. – Length is not evaluated! Double column sig-alternate style – Use.cls and.tex From – If you don’t know LaTeX, take this as an opportunity to learn (will help you in the future!). – Alternatively (but less preferable), use the Word format from here:

4 Project Report START ASAP!! – If you’ve ever written a paper, you’ll know that writing the paper is almost as important as the research itself Template (remember, 4—8 pages): – 1-2 page: Introduction – 0.5-1 page: Related Work can be after Intro or before Conclusions – 1-2 page: Problem Definition – 1-2 page: Algorithms/Theorems/Models/Proofs – 1-2 page: Evaluation + Experiments, Screenshots – 0.25-0.5 page: Conclusions + Future Work

5 Project Report Some of you have never written technical papers before, so I thought I should cover the basics so that you’re all on an equal footing – Also, some of you are used to writing other styles of papers, so making sure you understand the “systems/database” style. Many Resources on how to write papers (if you are curious): – – ers.pdf ers.pdf –

6 Introduction Think about catering to an EXTERNAL HARSH REVIEWER who does not understand/care much about your problem. You need to convince him/her that this is important and awesome. Short, succinct, just enough: – Keep the reader interested Did you cover the following points? – What is the problem? – Why is it important? – Why is it difficulty or challenging? – Why hasn’t it been done before? Why do previous approaches fail? – What is your novel twist? What are the key elements of your solution? USE EXAMPLES!!!! – What is your list of contributions? These 6 paragraphs should be present in EVERY paper you write. Take this as practice

7 Related Work A good number of citations for a typical paper is between 15—30. Don’t just add citations to fill up the list – Actually identify relevant papers. – Google scholar is your friend. For every paper you find, succinctly argue – What is it on? – Is it a different problem or the same problem? If different problem can solutions be combined? If same problem, why is yours better? Aim to cover all bases: if you miss out on very important related work then you could lose points.

8 Problem Definitions or Setup Be as formal as possible, while introducing as little “formalism” or “math” as necessary – Somewhat contradictory Define all terms precisely (assuming an arbitrary database reviewer who may not have necessary background) – USE EXAMPLES!!!!

9 Core Techniques Pseudocode is *not* useful Explain the key idea with as little notation/math as needed – USE EXAMPLES!! Provide proofs, arguments that it works You should have the least amount of issues with this section (I think)

10 Evaluation Especially important in a *systems/database* paper Clearly specify: – The experimental setup Goals of the experiment: – What are you studying? Datasets Algorithms/techniques implemented – (THINK ABOUT USING/IMPLEMENTING A BASELINE) System/implementation details Parameters varied Then, each experiment – Each experiment should come with a clear “takeaway”

11 Conclusions and Future Work One paragraph of what you have found, what are the avenues of future work from this point. – Future work is especially important here given that this was just a course project. – Tell me, if you were to convert this to a paper, what else would you have liked to have done?

12 Bonus If you have a system demo: – Include screenshots – Host it somewhere (if easy) Instructions on how to access the demo site – So that I can play with it

13 Project Report: Instructions & Summary Midnight on Monday – Email title “CS598 Final Report” – Tarique and me Between 4—8 pages Include: – Introduction (remember the 5-6 points) – Related Work – Problem Definition / Solution / Possible Demo – Thorough Evaluation – Conclusions and Future Work

14 Project Presentation Monday before class – Email title “CS598 Final Presentation” – 3 slides You have 5 minutes to talk (I will use a timer!) Essential to be present!!!!! – Extenuating circumstances: OK to send us a video before class. Tell the class: – What you did – Why is it cool? Why is it better than other stuff? Why is it important? – Maybe a few sentences about the solution – If you have a demo, you can present that as well

15 Project Grading 70% of the final project score still left: – 5% will be on your project presentation – 65% will be on your report Of which 15% is on the writing And 50% will be on the quality of the research Usually the two are hard to tease apart, but will do something similar to the mid-term evaluation

16 Grades for Rest We’ll send you your – Paper reviewing scores – Presentation scores Later this week

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