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Where did the Zero came from? Did the Mayans developed the zero correctly??

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1 Where did the Zero came from? Did the Mayans developed the zero correctly??

2 An Ancient Civilization The Mayans. One of the greatest civilizations in our past time. They may not had all the technology we have now but they were capable of doing many things. Some of the incredible things were that they created the Arithmetic System and The Calendar, they studied Astronomy.

3 Who were the Mayans? It is said that the Mayans existed in the Classis period (250- 900 C.E.) Studies say that they existed in the pre Classic Period. It is said that the Mayans existed in the Classis period (250- 900 C.E.) Studies say that they existed in the pre Classic Period. Nevertheless Mayans were a civilization that were excellent mathematicians and superb astronomers. Nevertheless Mayans were a civilization that were excellent mathematicians and superb astronomers. The civilization was found by Spain travelers, conquers in the late Middle Classic Period, many of the Mayans writings were hard to understand by the archeologist.

4 They had Hieroglyphics this are drawing they made to write, to communicate. Many of this hieroglyphics were hard to understand because they were just pictures.

5 The Arithmetic System. The Mayans had their own numerical system, this system is beautiful and of course understandable, sophisticated. They had the concept of Zero (0) this number is even in our system now, present, but does zero even exist? were they correct??

6 What What is zero? For us zero is just another number in our numerical system. We use it in adding, subtracting, division and multiplication. For For the Mayans zero was sacred, the zero meant that they could add more numbers. Mayans Mayans had a vigesimal system for numeration. This numeration system was based on the human body. The toes and the hands. The motifs or zero was a resemble by a shell.

7 Three basic symbols use in their numerical system was the shell, a dot and a bar. The zero meant completion for the Mayans, the completion of cycles was seen as a critical moment in time. The Mayans sacred numbers were the zero, four, nine and thirteen. This numbers appear in many of their ritual context.

8 The Calendar. The calendar Maya had the numbers. The calendar is unknown of it’s origins. The Mayans had three calendars. 1. a 260 days cycle this calendar was sacred because it’s pattern of ceremonial life and provided prophecy. It provided twenty days name paired with thirteen numbers this allows 260 days before the cycle begins. 2. A 365 day cycle this was the solar year and supernatural disasters. The calendar Maya had the numbers. The calendar is unknown of it’s origins. The Mayans had three calendars. 1. a 260 days cycle this calendar was sacred because it’s pattern of ceremonial life and provided prophecy. It provided twenty days name paired with thirteen numbers this allows 260 days before the cycle begins. 2. A 365 day cycle this was the solar year and supernatural disasters. 3. The Wayeb is total of five days in which are dangerous time according to the Mayans, the anger of the gods against them. 3. The Wayeb is total of five days in which are dangerous time according to the Mayans, the anger of the gods against them.


10 Were the Mayans correct? According to researchers Mayans had part of the concept of zero right but there are other civilizations who got the other percent correct. In other words the Mayans were a smart civilization. They had a efficient system.


12 By: Zury Ramon Pre Calculus Mr. Caballero

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