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LEAD21 Unit 3: Community Life Week 1 Day 4. Why might a community have started in this place? Why did the community probably grow larger? What does this.

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Presentation on theme: "LEAD21 Unit 3: Community Life Week 1 Day 4. Why might a community have started in this place? Why did the community probably grow larger? What does this."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEAD21 Unit 3: Community Life Week 1 Day 4

2 Why might a community have started in this place? Why did the community probably grow larger? What does this community probably have that people need? Extend the Theme

3 Connect the word cards to the theme vocabulary. resources, pollution, need Extend Theme Vocabulary watersoiloilwood peoplenumbergrowshomes

4 Ask and Answer Questions -Readers ask questions to better understand the text. Read pg. 14. QuestionsAnswers * What happens when a town or city grows? * More people move from place to place. * Why are new roads, sidewalks, and bridges needed in a growing community? * When more people come into a community, they need to move around. Continue reading page 15, ask and answer questions.

5 Theme Question: What makes a good community? Continue reading pages 8-17 and record text evidence. Text Evidence Reread pages 6-17 and record text evidence PageText Evidence 6-7 The author says people might start a community because a place is easy to get to. I can make inferences that a good location makes a good community. 8-9 We are looking for text evidence about things that make a community a good place to live. What do these pages tell us about the things a good community has? 13-17 What does a community need to be a good place to live?

6 Word Study: Review Contractions contractions are two words put together dropping a letter or letters from the second word and using an apostrophe in their place I’m I had I’d I am you’ve you are you’re you have she had they are we have Extra practice: Write the contractions for the following words.

7 Fluency: “This is the Place!” Practice Page 146 (pacing)

8  L’Enfant did he plans in 1791 for everything that would become washington, D.C. He died, but today visitors to the capital can seen many of his ideas stil at werk? Revise

9  L’Enfant published his plans in 1791 for the buildings, streets, and statues that would become washington, D.C. He died in 1825, but today visitors to the capital can seen many of his ideas stil at werk? Edit

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