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Dissemination Report on Group Discussion WP3 Meeting 4/4/2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Dissemination Report on Group Discussion WP3 Meeting 4/4/2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination Report on Group Discussion WP3 Meeting 4/4/2003

2 Selling Point: R-GMA Is Based on a New Idea Many people have heard about R-GMA, but haven’t understood the basic idea.  need to present R-GMA in intuitive terms: R-GMA presents distributed information as a virtual relational database, i.e. n It looks like a database from the outside, n But it is realised as a society of agents (producers, consumers and their helpers).

3 Potential Audiences n Communities u EDG, GGF, OGSA/OGSI n Individual Profiles u Developers who could use RGMA code u Users of RGMA (managers, project leaders) u Sys admins u Potential supporters (people who contribute won't start building competing products) u Standard bodies

4 Audiences According to Interests People working on n registries n messaging systems e.g., pub-sub systems n security n databases n standards

5 Broadcasting n General papers @ conferences and workshops n Posters n Technical papers on specific aspects n Presentations of components n Articles in trade press “Computer Bulletin” by BCS n Articles in Grid journals n R-GMA website u entry points according to profiles (manager, …) u pointers according to topics (security, …)

6 What Has R-GMA to Offer to Computer Scientists? n Technical contributions and results? … we rather apply existing methods than invent new ones n There is something more interesting than results: Problems !  Translate R-GMA problems into “language” of research and development communities (security, databases, messaging)  Target application sessions of conferences

7 Next Steps n Clarify concepts u producer and query types, communication modes, … u important for factories n Concrete steps planned u write overview paper (Werner) u set up R-GMA website (Steve?) u participation in GGF F James in OGSA-DAI F Steve in Relational Services Research Group

8 Todo n Create R-GMA website n Write survey paper (target which publication?) n Redesign API (along the lines suggested by Andy) n Involvement in GGF based on goals

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