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The World Beyond Words (nonverbal communicaion) Chapter 4.

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Presentation on theme: "The World Beyond Words (nonverbal communicaion) Chapter 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World Beyond Words (nonverbal communicaion) Chapter 4

2 Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal Communication: All aspects of communication other than words (65-95% of the total meaning of communication)Nonverbal Communication  Gestures  Body language  How we utter words  Appearance  Facial expressions

3 Similarities Between Verbal & Nonverbal Nonverbal communication is symbolic Nonverbal communication is rule-guided Nonverbal communication may be intentional or unintentional Nonverbal communication reflects culture

4 Nonverbal communication is symbolic Arbitrary Ambiguos Abstract Ex: different meanings to a wink; Romantic interest-signal a joke-something in eye

5 Nonverbal communication is rule- guided Within particular socities, we share general understandings of which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate in various situations and what they mean. Ex: people dress differently to attend funeral than a soccer game...or furniture in homes is generlly selected and arranged to promote comfort and interaction...

6 Nonverbal communication may be intentional or unintentional May be deliberately controlled. Ex: select clothes to create e proffessional impression when you are going to a job interview. Yet nonverbal communication may also be unconscious and unplanned Ex: wince or lower your eyes when asked a question...

7 Nonverbal communication reflects culture Shaped by cultural ideas, values, customs, and history. Just as we learn our culture’s language, we also learn its nonverbal codes. Ex: handshake, sample food... There may be some universal nonverbal behaviors. Ex: facial expressions (anger, fear,happiness, sadness, surprise)





12 Differences Between Verbal & Nonverbal Nonverbal communication tends to be perceived as more believable Nonverbal communication is multichanneled Nonverbal communication is continuous

13 Principles of Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication may supplement or replace verbal communication - nonverbal behaviors may repeat verbal messages (nodding) - emphasize particular words (volume) - use nonverbal behavior to complement to words (lyrics&music)

14 Principles Nonverbal communication may regulate interaction Ex: We don’t say «your turn to talk»

15 Principles Nonverbal communication often establishes relationship-level meanings  Responsiveness  Liking  Power Nonverbal communication reflects and expresses cultural values

16 Types of Nonverbal Communication Kinesics  Body position and body motions

17 Types of Nonverbal Communication Haptics : Use of touch Physical appearance

18 Types of Nonverbal Continued Artifacts  Personal objects that signal our identities Environmental factors  Elements of a setting that affect how we feel Proxemics and personal space  How we use space

19 Types of Nonverbal Continued Chronemics  How we use time Paralanguage  Sounds and vocal qualities Silence

20 Guidelines for Improving Nonverbal Communication Monitor your nonverbal communication Interpret others’ nonverbal communication tentatively  Personal qualifications  Contextual qualifications

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