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©HULL & ASSOCIATES Dr. Mimi Hull HULL & ASSOCIATES 407.628.0669 LinkedIn: Dr. Mimi Hull Facebook: /HullAndAssociates.

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Presentation on theme: "©HULL & ASSOCIATES Dr. Mimi Hull HULL & ASSOCIATES 407.628.0669 LinkedIn: Dr. Mimi Hull Facebook: /HullAndAssociates."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©HULL & ASSOCIATES WWW.HULLONLINE.COM1 Dr. Mimi Hull HULL & ASSOCIATES 407.628.0669 Twitter: @DrMimi LinkedIn: Dr. Mimi Hull Facebook: /HullAndAssociates E-mail:

2 We Learn  ______% of what we read.  ______% of what we hear.  ______% of what we see.  ______% of what we both see and hear.  ______% of what we discuss with others.  ______% of what we experience personally.  ______% of what we TEACH someone else. ©HULL & ASSOCIATES WWW.HULLONLINE.COM 2 David Lazear in his book Seven ways of Knowing, attributes the % on learning to William Glasser.

3 Communication Realities  You cannot NOT communicate.  Whenever contact is made, communication occurs.  Meanings are in people, not in words. ©HULL & ASSOCIATES WWW.HULLONLINE.COM 3

4 Communication Realities Meanings cannot be transferred from one mind to another …only words and body language can be transferred. ©HULL & ASSOCIATES WWW.HULLONLINE.COM 4

5 Verbal/Non-Verbal Communications *  ___ % Words  ___ % Tone of Voice  ___ % Body Language ©HULL & ASSOCIATES WWW.HULLONLINE.COM *Source: Albert Mehrabian, Communication Without Words

6 Your body communicates, from head to toe and is culturally dependent. ©HULL & ASSOCIATES WWW.HULLONLINE.COM 6

7 Communication Realities  Even when all communications are received… 70% to 90% are screened out or changed by the receiver. ©HULL & ASSOCIATES WWW.HULLONLINE.COM 7

8 Communicating!  Paying attention  Questioning  Reflecting  Summarizing

9 Rates of Speech/Rates of Listening  We listen at ____ words per minute.  We speak at ________ words per minute.  We have ____ words per minute to TUNE OUT!

10 Causes for “Tune Out”  Unclear focus  Receiver’s purpose is different from sender’s purpose.  Pace and delivery.  Lack of credibility.

11 Four Types of Questions  Closed  Open-ended  Leading  Loaded

12 Reflecting  Reflect back both the feeling and the content  Use phrases like: You seem (pleased, upset, frustrated, concerned)… It sounds like… What you seem to be saying… I think I hear you saying…

13 Communicating! Summarizing Who What Where When How

14 A Magic Sentence…. 1. When I saw/heard... 2. I felt... 3. because I... (need, want, interpret, etc.) 4. and (now) I would like... 5. so that (in order to)...

15 Thank you and keep in touch!

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