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Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance The European Renaissance was a rebirth of learning and the arts that began in Italy in the 1300s.

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Presentation on theme: "Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance The European Renaissance was a rebirth of learning and the arts that began in Italy in the 1300s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance The European Renaissance was a rebirth of learning and the arts that began in Italy in the 1300s.

2 Classical Worldly Values Classics lead to Humanism: –Humanists focused on human potential and achievements. Enjoyment of Worldly Pleasures –The basic spirit of the Renaissance is secular; concerned with the here and now as opposed to a better life after death. Patrons of the Arts –Popes and merchants became supporters of the arts. Renaissance Man –The ideal Renaissance individual excelled in many fields and all areas of study.

3 Renaissance Revolutionizes Art Many Renaissance artists developed new techniques such as perspective. Leonardo da Vinci typified the true Renaissance Man. Raphael created realistic masterpieces. Leonardo da Vinci

4 Leonardo Leonardo da’ Vinci was deeply interested in how things work. He studied how muscles move, how veins are arranged in a leaf. Among his most famous works are the “Mona Lisa”, and the “Last Supper”. Only 17 of his paintings still survive.



7 Michelangelo Buonarroti Michelangelo was a true Renaissance Man, he excelled at almost every area of study. He was a painter, sculpture, poet and architect. Among his most famous works are the design of the dome at the top of St. Peters Basilica, his statue “David”. and his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

8 The Sistine Chapel To paint the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo lay stretched on his back on a high scaffold. His working conditions were very bad. He worked in scorching heat in the summer and had to work by candlelight.


10 Michelangelo




14 Raphael Raphael learned his trade by studying the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo da’ Vinci. He enjoyed painting the Madonna. His greatest achievements fill the library in the Vatican. He died on his 37 th birthday after a short illness. All of Rome went into mourning.




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