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Jeopardy $100 Greek Pottery Egyptian Art Mesopotamia Roman Art Prehistoric $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy $100 Greek Pottery Egyptian Art Mesopotamia Roman Art Prehistoric $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy $100 Greek Pottery Egyptian Art Mesopotamia Roman Art Prehistoric $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

3 1 - $100 The Hydria Vase was used to carry what? The Hydria Vase was used to carry what? What is water? What is water?

4 1 - $200 Krater Vases-comes from a word meaning to what? Krater Vases-comes from a word meaning to what? What is mix? What is mix?

5 1 - $300 On this pot we have two heroes. Who are they? On this pot we have two heroes. Who are they? Who is Ajax and Achilles? Who is Ajax and Achilles?

6 1 - $400 Due to a metal shortage during the middle ages, Greek bronze sculptures were _____________. Due to a metal shortage during the middle ages, Greek bronze sculptures were _____________. What is melted down? What is melted down?

7 1 - $500 Figures appear red with incised black lines. What technique is this? Figures appear red with incised black lines. What technique is this? What is red figure technique? What is red figure technique?

8 2 - $100 The Romans were known for extravagant paintings on walls and ceilings. They created these paintings by using pigment on wet plaster. The paintings became part of the wall. This style of painting is known as what? What is fresco? What is fresco?

9 2 - $200 A ___________ is a carved decoration showing a portrait or a scene. The Roman's wore these as jewelry and used them to decorate vases and other objects. A ___________ is a carved decoration showing a portrait or a scene. The Roman's wore these as jewelry and used them to decorate vases and other objects. What is a cameo? What is a cameo?

10 2 - $300 This principle of design is used for determining the relationship among the elements of an image, thus helping all the elements function together. This principle gives a sense of oneness to a visual image. The words and images work together to create a sense of meaning. What is the principle of design? This principle of design is used for determining the relationship among the elements of an image, thus helping all the elements function together. This principle gives a sense of oneness to a visual image. The words and images work together to create a sense of meaning. What is the principle of design? What is unity? What is unity?

11 2 - $400 What are the three orders of Roman architecture? What are the three orders of Roman architecture? What is Doric, Ionic and Corinthian? What is Doric, Ionic and Corinthian?

12 2 - $500 What year did Mount Vesuvius erupt? What year did Mount Vesuvius erupt? What was 79AD? What was 79AD?

13 3 - $100 What did the Sumerians invent? What did the Sumerians invent? What is the written language? What is the written language?

14 3 - $200 What tools did the Sumerians use to write with on clay tablets? What is a stylus? What is a stylus? A single reed, cleanly cut from the banks of the Euphrates or Tigris river, when pressed cut-edge down into a soft clay tablet, will make a wedge shape.

15 3 - $300 What is the name of this temple? What is the name of this temple? What is a ziggurat? What is a ziggurat?

16 3 - $400 What two rivers ran along Mesopotamia? What two rivers ran along Mesopotamia? What are the Euphrates and Tigris? What are the Euphrates and Tigris?

17 3 - $500 What is the oldest written story in the world? What is the oldest written story in the world? What is the Epic of Gilgamesh? What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?

18 4 - $100 Where is Egypt located? Where is Egypt located? Where is North Africa? Where is North Africa?

19 4 - $200 What did the Egyptians use as an early form of writing? What was hieroglyphics? What was hieroglyphics?

20 4 - $300 The body of kings (Example King Tut) was mummified and preserved in a coffin or _______ for the eventual return of the Ka. What is sarcophagus? What is sarcophagus?

21 4 - $400 How do we classify the great periods of Egyptian rule? What is the old kingdom, middle kingdom and new kingdom? What is the old kingdom, middle kingdom and new kingdom?

22 4 - $500 What did the false beard and headdress represent in regards to a pharaoh? What did the false beard and headdress represent in regards to a pharaoh? What was authority? What was authority?

23 5 - $100 What 3 major themes are common throughout cave paintings? What 3 major themes are common throughout cave paintings? What are animal forms, humans and symbols? What are animal forms, humans and symbols?

24 5 - $200 The The Great Hall of the Bulls exists in what cave? The The Great Hall of the Bulls exists in what cave? What is Lascaux? What is Lascaux?

25 5 - $300 What does Paleolithic mean? What does Paleolithic mean? What is old stone age? What is old stone age?

26 5 - $400 What prevents art historians from knowing the original meanings of the Nude Woman (Venus of Willendorf)? What is lack of historical documents or unknown historical context? What is lack of historical documents or unknown historical context?

27 5 - $500 The Cave of Lascaux is located in what country? The Cave of Lascaux is located in what country? What is France? What is France?

28 Final Jeopardy What basic system of architecture was originally discovered at Stonehenge and used in Greek and Roman architecture? What basic system of architecture was originally discovered at Stonehenge and used in Greek and Roman architecture? What is post and lintel system? What is post and lintel system?

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