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Make the Case for Your Library with a Data-Based Elevator Speech.

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Presentation on theme: "Make the Case for Your Library with a Data-Based Elevator Speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make the Case for Your Library with a Data-Based Elevator Speech

2 Resources   Links to public library statistics reported for the annual Public Library Survey   Public Library user studies conducted by Pew Internet a project of the Pew Research Center

3 Resources   WVLC annual, statistical, salary, and other reports   ALA Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study 2011-2012

4 Brainstorming about your Library

5 What is your library’s “why”?

6 What are the most important services your library provides? Choose 1-3

7 Why are these services important to the community?

8 What data/statistics do you have in support of these services? Put numbers in context:  2 out of 3 vs. 66%  Compare numbers to something familiar  Annual attendance of WV public libraries in 2013 could fill …

9 What examples or anecdotes do you have that show these services in action?

10 Thinking About potential Stakeholders

11 What is a stakeholder?  A stakeholder is any city council member, teacher, board of education member, non-library user, frontline staff, etc.  YOUR community!

12 How do the stakeholders currently view the library?

13 What do you want the stakeholders to …  Do after talking with you?  Think after talking with you?  Feel after talking with you?

14 Which service or services are the most important to the stakeholders?

15 What will each stakeholder respond to— stories, statistics, or a little of both? How much detail will the stakeholder want or need?

16 Draft your Speech

17 1.Select one of the stakeholders. 2.Pick the service or services you identified as most important to this stakeholder. 3.Tailor a speech based on the data and stories you came up with that demonstrate this service’s impact on the community—in terms that matter to the stakeholder you’ve chosen.

18 Taking your Speech to the Community

19  Pin your speech in a visible spot in your office and work areas.  Re-purpose your speech for use online, in print materials, on display boards, etc.  Brainstorm strategies for additional stakeholders.

20  Be on the lookout for data and anecdotes. Encourage all library staff in this activity!  Schedule coffee, lunch, etc., with a stakeholder.

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